Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Church in Crisis - a talk by Ralph Martin : there can be two interpretations of Lumen Gentium 16 and the conclusion will be different

(Time. 29:29) Sometimes people say that is it possible for people to be saved without hearing the Gospel. It is. And the Church clearly teaches that, based on Romans Chapter 1 and Romans Chapter 2. And in Section 16 of the Constitution of the Church this is where the Church lays out its definitive teaching on the possibility of people being saved without hearing the Gospel. We really need to know this. We really need to be clear about this. Because there is so much, so much confusion here.What the Council teaches and what we find in the Catechism of the Catholic's  posible for people under certain circumstances to be saved without hearing the Gospel.What are those circumstances what are those conditions?Ther's three  of them,one is that people have to be inculpably ignorance ot hearing the Gospel.It's not there own fault that they don't know the path to salvation,.they haven't heard and it hasn't been their own fault that they haven't heard.Now sometimes a lot of us have experienced that we have friends, relatives neighbours....-  Ralph Martin.

 And in Section 16 of the Constitution of the Church this is where the Church lays out its definitive teaching on the possibility of people being saved without hearing the Gospel. We really need to know this. We really need to be clear about this...


Ralph Martin is using the false premise to interpret Lumen Gentium 16. With God everything is possible. The possiblity of being saved in inculpable ignorance is a possibility which exists only in our human mind. It is not an actual person we know. So Ralph Martin and Scott Hahn at the St. Paul's  Center for Biblical Theologyu are not proclaiming the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, like the popes and saints of the past, since a possibility is an objective exception.
If someone has not heard the Gospel through no fault of his own and is in Heaven or Hell it can only be known to God. 
The issue is Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Ralph Martin will not affirm Feeneyite EENS since hyothetical and unknown , theoeretical cases are objective exceptions. This is an objective error. It is testing common sense. Where are the objective cases of non Catholic saved outside the Church today(2020)? Where does Romans 1 and 2 state that we can know of such people being saved outside the Church ? 
It has to be implied, wrongly,  that they can be saved outside the Church and are exceptions to traditional exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
Ralph Martin and Scott Hahn do not  affirm, exclusive salvation n the Catholic Church, since the false premise is used. Invisible cases are assumed to be objective exceptions to Tradition.What is not there is assumed to be there and a New Theology is created which is politically correct with the liberals and the Left.
Scott Hahn considers this 'biblical theology'.
Ralph Martin is repeating the factual error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which is repeated at Vatican Council II and then again in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.It is the error of what I call Cushingism.
They are also interpreting the Bible with the false premise. There are alleged objective exceptions to the Great Commission and John 3:5 and Mark 16:16.Really ? What are there names ? Who are they in 1965-2020 ?
The bottom line still is that there can be two interpretations of Lumen Gentium 16 and the conclusion will be different. One will be a rupture with EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.The other will be a continuity with Tradition. This fact still stares you in the face.-Lionel Andrades

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