Monday, November 9, 2020

Archbishop Morandi watched as Cardinal Luiz Ladaria told a lie at the Placuit Deo Press Conference. There are no objective cases of Lumen Gentium 8 for LG 8 to be an exception to traditional exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.The former PR man at the Vatican was not aware of the deceptive theology. Check at 28:15 timing on the video when an Associated Press lady Reporter begins to ask him if the Church still held it had a superiority and exclusiveness in salvation .He suggests that the answer is no.He projects Lumen Gentium 8 and Vatican Council II as an exception

Archbishop Morandi watched  as Cardinal Luiz Ladaria told a lie at the Placuit Deo Press Conference. There are no objective cases of Lumen Gentium 8 for LG 8 to be an exception to traditional exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.The former PR man at the Vatican was not aware of the deceptive theology. Check at 28:15 timing on the above video when an Associated Press lady Reporter begins to ask him if the Church still held it had a superiority and exclusiveness in salvation and he suggests that the answer is no by projecting Lumen Gentium 8 and Vatican Council II as an exception.-Lionel Andrades

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