Sunday, November 15, 2020

As long as the false premise is used to interpret Vatican Council II, traditionalists (Lefebvrists/Thucs) will be discriminated against.Since Vatican Council II will be cited by the liberals to support liberalism. This creates the division between liberals and traditionalists.Without the false premise, liberals cannot quote Vatican Council II to support their liberalism. Without the false premise the traditionalists cannot quote Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition

 As long as the false premise is used to interpret Vatican Council II, traditionalists (Lefebvrists/Thucs)  will be discriminated against.Since Vatican Council II will be cited by the liberals to support liberalism. This creates the division between liberals and traditionalists.Without the false premise, liberals cannot quote Vatican Council II to support their liberalism. Without the false premise the traditionalists cannot quote Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition. -Lionel Andrades

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