Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Bishop Olsen stopped the Latin Mass at the Fischer More College since he believed that Vatican Council II could only be interpreted with a false premise, to create a rupture with traditional EENS, and he did not know that the Council could also be re-interpreted rationally

 The website Rorate Caeli did not tell the Jewish Left  professor of the New Ecumenism at the Angelicum University, Rome that Unitatitis Redintigratio 3 (UR) in Vatican Council II does not contradict the traditional ecumenism of return and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). The Decree on Ecumenism (UR) refers to hypothetical cases only. They are always speculative only.

Similarly RC did not tell the Fischer More College faculty  that they could interpret Vatican Council II  without the false premise and it would be in harmony with Tradition. They could then affirm Vatican Council II (without the false premise) and that Bishop Olsen's demand that the FMC accept Vatican Council II, would have been met.

Rorate Caeili did not ask Bishop Olsen  to affirm Vatican Council II and EENS without the false premise.

Similarly the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) does not interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality, and with the rational choice and there is no comment from Rorate Caeli on this issue.

Bishop Olsen stopped  the Latin Mass at the Fischer More College  since he believed that Vatican Council II could only be interpreted with a false premise, to create a rupture with traditional EENS, and he did not know that the Council could also be re-interpreted rationally.. -Lionel Andrades

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