Saturday, November 14, 2020

Coetus Internationalis Patrum, the Lepanto Institute and Correspondenza Romano of Roberto dei Mattei are still making the same error as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani at Vatican Council II

  Coetus Internationalis Patrum , the Lepanto Institue and Correspondenza Romano of Roberto dei Mattei are still making the same error  as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani at Vatican Council II. They were using a false premise at Vatican Council II,  to interpret BOD, BOB and I.I.So EENS had exceptions. They accepted the mistake in the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 (LOHO). -Lionel Andrades

BOD (baptism of desire)

BOB (baptism of blood)

I.I (Invincible ignorance)

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