Sunday, November 8, 2020

I do not confuse hypothetical cases as being objective persons in the present times who are saved outside the Catholic Church.So my interpretation of Vatican Council II would be different from the popes since Paul VI.Also my interpretation of EENS would be different from the popes since Pius XII.There is no doctrinal development for me based upon a false premise. For Pope Benedict and Pope Francis there is development and so they do not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS

 I do not confuse hypothetical cases as being objective persons in the present times who are saved outside the Catholic Church.So my interpretation of Vatican Council II would be different from the popes since Paul VI.Also my interpretation of EENS would be different from the popes since Pius XII.There is no doctrinal development for me based upon a false premise. For Pope Benedict and Pope Francis there is development and so they do not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS. -Lionel Andrades

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