Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Just as dictionaries today have bowed to the Left's transgender ideology encyclopedias over the years have used leftist Cushingism to interpret the Fr.Leonard Feeney Case and Vatican Council II.Encylopedias use the false premise to interpret the dogma extra ecclesia nulla salus and then suggest that the Boston Heresy Casae refers to the heresy of Fr. Leonard Feeney and not Cardinal Richard Cushing and Pope Pius XII


Just as dictionaries today have bowed to the Left's transgender ideology encyclopedias over the years have used leftist Cushingism to interpret the Fr.Leonard Feeney Case and Vatican Council II.Encylopedias use the false premise to interpret the dogma extra ecclesia nulla salus and then suggest that the Boston Heresy Casae refers to the heresy of Fr. Leonard Feeney and not Cardinal Richard Cushing and Pope Pius XII. -Lionel Andrades 

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