Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Peter Kwasniewski attends a valid, licit, fitting and authentic Latin Mass in which the priest is forced to affirm Cushingite doctrines, which are heretical and schismatic. They are officially approved by the present two popes, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Cardinal Robert Sarah's Congregation for Divine Worship, Vatican

 Peter Kwasniewski attends a  valid, licit, fitting and authentic  Latin Mass in which the priest is forced to affirm Cushingite doctrines, which are heretical and schismatic. They are officially approved by the present two popes, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Cardinal Robert Sarah's Congregation for Divine Worship, Vatican.. -Lionel Andrades


NOVEMBER 15, 2020

If the SSPX would announce that they accept Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise their Mass would be doctrinally licit for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Congregation for Divine Liturgy, Pope Benedict and Pope Francis, cardinals and bishops and Peter Kwasniewski

NOVEMBER 15, 2020

The Mass of Kiko Arguello's New Catechumenal Way is licit since the priest is Christocentric and not Ecclesiocentric like at the Traditional Latin Mass of the 16th century. The Mass of the Way is licit for the Vatican and it would also be licit and authentic for Peter Kwasniewski

NOVEMBER 15, 2020

Michael Matt attends Mass in Latin at a church in the USA where the priest accepts Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise and he also re-interprets the Creeds and Catechisms non traditionally. This is approved by the USCCB.They consider this Mass licit and without impediments even though the theology is heretical and schismatic and a rupture with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass of the missionaries in the 16th century and also the Byzantine Greek Mass of the third century. For Peter Kwasniewski this is authentic and fitting liturgy

NOVEMBER 15, 2020

The Rome Vicariate only grants incardination to liberal priests who reject the dogma EENS and interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and so change the meaning of the Nicene Creed. With the false premise they are also rejecting the the Athanasius Creed.They interpret all the Catechisms with the false premise creating heresy and schism. The Mass of these priests is considered licit. They would meet Peter Kwasniewski's critieria for explaining the Liturgy.Priests who offer the Latin Mass are also granted incardination when they meet the heretical and schismatic doctrinal requirements

 NOVEMBER 15, 2020

An FSSP priest could offer the Novus Ordo Mass in Italian and interpret the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II without the false premise and so there would not be a change in the First Commandment while another FSSP priest could offer the Latin Mass while intepreting the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II with the false premise creating first class heresy and an impediment to offering Holy Mass.This Latin Mass would still be valid, licit, fitting and authentic for Peter Kwasniewski

NOVEMBER 15, 2020

When the FSSP priest rejects the Athanasiius Creed and changes the understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed it is an impediment to offering Holy Mass, for example, at the church Santissima Trinita dei Pelligrini, Rome. Yet for Peter Kwasniewski this Mass in Latin could be valid, licit , fitting and authentic

 NOVEMBER 15, 2020

Peter Kwasniewski considers Holy Mass valid, licit , fitting and authentic when the priest and congregation change the traditional interpretation of the Creeds , Catechisms and interpret also Vatican Council II with a false premise.This break with Tradition and the resulting heresy and schism officially approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the popes, is valid, licit , fitting and authentic for him.

NOVEMBER 15, 2020

Peter Kwasniewski even after being informed will not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise. LG 16 refers to invisible or visible cases in 2020 for him ? No answer. LG 8 in Vatican Council II refers to an objective person or a hypothetical case in 2020 for him ? No answer. Could he interpret theoretical cases of UR 3 as not contradicting the old ecumenism of return ? No answer. He does not want to answer

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