Sunday, November 29, 2020

The apologists at Catholic Answers are Cushingites and not Feeneyites, Christocentric and not Ecclesiocentric.They are pro-Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and contra St. Thomas Aquinas.They are politically correct with the Left and at odds with the Church Fathers and the Magisterium of the 16th century on EENS etc

 The apologists at Catholic Answers are Cushingites and not Feeneyites, Christocentric and not Ecclesiocentric.They are pro-Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and contra St. Thomas Aquinas.They are politically correct with the Left and at odds with the Church Fathers and the Magisterium of the 16th century on EENS etc.

They reportedly get a salary from Catholic Answers like the journalists at the National Catholic Register.They sing for their supper.-Lionel Andrades


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