Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Catholic Integrated Community(Katholische Integrierte Gemeinde ) interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to create a fake break with Tradition and they give Pope Benedict credit for this.They say this is his theology which they they follow


The Catholic Integrated Community(Katholische Integrierte Gemeinde ) interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to create a fake break with Tradition and they give Pope Benedict credit for this.

They say this is his theology which they they follow. -Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 10, 2020

The CDF has not issued a statement on Dr.Achim Busckenmaier being a member of the CDF and teaching at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolorum University in Rome

Die Katholische Integrierte Gemeinde und Papst Benedikt: Ein Interview

 NOVEMBER 10, 2020

Integrierte Gemeinde is teaching theology at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolurum University, Rome with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II and Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are ovelooking it

NOVEMBER 10, 2020

Integrierte Gemeinde's new ecumenism and new inter-religious dialogue is Ratzingerian

NOVEMBER 9, 2020

Integrated Community (Integrierte Gemeinde) like Pope Benedict is teaching theology at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolurum University, Rome with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II  

 NOVEMBER 4, 2020

As Archbishop of Munich Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger supported liberalism with the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. Now he has disassociated himself from one such organisation without recanting the false interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents

Report: Catholic group responsible for breaking up families and marriages is linked to Pope Benedict XVI

NOVEMBER 1, 2020

Pope Benedict needs to distance himself from the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS which he encouraged as archbishop of Munich which now has is own Synodal Path

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