Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce (FIUV), the worlds bishops and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican have agreed to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a theological rupture with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc). So those who offer and attend the Latin Mass will affirm the New Ecumenism, New Theology, New Ecclesiology and New Evangelisation and pretend that this is the theology of the ancient Traditional Latin Mass. They will be re-interpreting the Nicene Creed, rejecting the Athansius Creed and re-interpreting the Catechisms of Trent, Pius X and Baltimore, with the same false premise, to create a rupture with Tradition, in particular exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church

The Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce (FIUV), the worlds bishops and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican have agreed to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a theological rupture with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc).

So those who offer and attend the Latin Mass will affirm the New Ecumenism, New Theology, New Ecclesiology and New Evangelisation and pretend that this is the theology of the ancient Traditional Latin Mass.

They will be re-interpreting the Nicene Creed, rejecting the Athansius Creed and re-interpreting the Catechisms of Trent, Pius X and Baltimore, with the same false premise, to create a rupture with Tradition, in particular exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. -Lionel Andrades

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