Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Legion of Christ priests at the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum chapel, Rome, offer the Novus Ordo Italian and Latin Mass.They do not want to affirm the dogma EENS and so they change the interpretation of Vatican Council II with a false premise and reject the Athanasius Creed.This Mass is licit for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Divine Worship.But the SSPX Mass in Latin is not licit for the Vatican.Since doctrinally the SSPX interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and then rejects the non traditional conclusion.The two popes want them to continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise but to accept the non traditional conclusion

 The Legion of Christ priests at the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum chapel, Rome, offer the Novus Ordo Italian and Latin Mass.They do not want to affirm the dogma EENS and so they change the interpretation of Vatican Council II  with a false premise and reject the Athanasius Creed.This Mass is licit for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Divine Worship.But the SSPX Mass in Latin is not licit for the Vatican.Since doctrinally the SSPX interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise ( like the Legion of Christ) and then rejects the non traditional conclusion.The two popes want them to continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise but to accept the non traditional conclusion.. -Lionel Andrades

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