Sunday, November 8, 2020

Today we can proclaim Jesus :- 1) The traditional Jesus with the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church ( all need faith and baptism for salvation-Ad Gentes 7) for salvation( to avoid Hell ). 2) The vague Jesus, compatible with other Christian religions. 3) The vague Jesus without sin, without mortal sin and Hell. 4)Jesus without the Church. 5) The sentimental Jesus,without the Day of Judgement

 Today we can proclaim Jesus :-

1) The traditional Jesus with the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church ( all need faith and baptism for salvation-Ad Gentes 7) for salvation( to avoid Hell ).

2) The vague Jesus, compatible with other Christian religions.

3) The vague Jesus without sin, without mortal sin and Hell.

4)Jesus without the  Church.

5) The  sentimental Jesus,without the Day of Judgement.-Lionel Andrades

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