Monday, November 23, 2020

Will Many be Saved? : The mainstream Tradition of the Church interpreted Scripture differently in the past as compared to today

(Time on video 10.00) Universalism is the remarkable rebellion of the human mind against the Revealed Word of God and the mainstream Tradition of the Church - Ralph Martin as quoted by Matt Fradd in the video.

The mainstream Tradition of the Catholic Church over the centuries, has always taught that there is exclusive salvation.It taught that inculpable ignorance and the baptism of desire are not objective exceptions to this exclusivist salvation in the Church.This is common sense. They are always hypothetical only.So it was taught that it was important that all be members of the Church to avoid Hell.
However today the mainstream Church, including Ralph Martin,reject exclusive salvation and project invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire etc, as objective exceptions to no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
So the mainstream Tradition of the Church interpreted Scripture differently in the past as compared to today. -Lionel Andrades 

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