Friday, November 20, 2020

Youtube has just informed me that my video MAHARISHI'S TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION MANTRA LINKED TO LUCIFER.wmv of 2011 will have limited viewing

Youtube has just informed me that my video 

MAHARISHI'S TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION MANTRA LINKED TO LUCIFER.wmv of 2011 will not be available for all views. Only those above a certain age can view it after identifying themselves.

I have not been allowed to respond to comments with this video and  all these years have not been allowed to post on Youtube.

There is nothing vulgar in the video.

I have been a certified teacher of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditiation. I did a five month course in Pattaya, Thailand and was a sincere and enthusiastic teacher.

I had left TM after two visits to Medugorje where I lived for nearly three months.

When I was in Rome, I would read the literature in Italian by the Francescans of the Immaculate. I remained close to their community.

I was impressed by the excellent research of Fr. Paulo Siano, of the Franciscans of the Immaculate,  on the Massons and then he frequently mentioned an esoteric name of Lucifer. 

Then I realised that, that name was the mantra given to me in my early thirties when I learnt TM. It was the name of my mantra which I received according to my age and this was the way I would give out that mantra to others.

I had to sign a document on my teachers training course saying that I would keep the mantra secret.

There must  have been complaints from people who enjoy the experience of TM and do not want people to know of its association with Satan, and so they object to the truth mentioned in that video. -Lionel Andrades

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