Thursday, December 17, 2020

According to Archbishop Thomas Gullickson there are no cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance in our reality and so they are not objective exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The Amercian Archbishop is not using the false premise

 According to Archbishop Thomas Gullickson there are no cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance in our reality and so they are not objective exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The Amercian Archbishop is not using the false premise.  - Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 19, 2012

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson has said that the Society of St.Pius X must know that adherence to Vatican Council II and the Catechism does not put them at odds with Tradition.

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson has reponded to two other questions and has said the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) must know that adherence to Vatican Council II and the Catechisms of the Catholic Church is not at  odds with Tradition.

Here are the posts on the blog Deo Volente e Animo.

Dear Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson

Thank you for your answer!

We have two interpretations of Vatican Council II.

A. We do not know in the year 2012 any one saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire, a good conscience, seeds of the word, imperfect communtion with the Church etc and Vatican Council II does not contradict Tradition.

B.We do know in the year 2012 persons saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desie, a good conscience, seeds of the word, imperfect communtion with the Church etc and Vatican Council II does contradict Tradition.

B is obviously irrational, since we cannot see the deaceased on earth.It is also non traditional.

So the SSPX could choose interpretation A which is in keeping with their position on other religions ?

When they say they want to continue criticizing the Council they could mean they want to criticize interpretation B.

Similarly when Arcbishop Augustine Di Noia says the SSPX has to accept Vatican Council II's teaching on the Jews ( and other religions) he is referring to interpretation B.

The SSPX could still hold the traditional teaching on Jews and other non Catholics according to Vatican Council II with interpretation A?

In Christ

RepliesThomas E. GullicksonNovember 19, 2012 12:01 PM


The leaders of SSPX are smarter than I am. They have to know that adherence to the Council and the Catechism does not put them at odds with what the Church has taught always and everywhere. I do not think that the last word has been said on living and dealing with the tension between zeal for souls and respect for those outside the only communion with the Church which I can know, the visible one.
-Lionel Andrades 

Implicit intention, invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) in Vatican Council II do not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus –John Martigioni

Image result for Photo Archbishop Thomas e Gullickson 
Image result for Photo Archbishop Thomas e Gullickson
Image result for Photo Archbishop Thomas e Gullickson 
Image result for Photo Archbishop Thomas e Gullickson

Repost : Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors

 NOVEMBER 19, 2012

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors

We do not cases in 2012 saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire, a good conscience, seeds of the word and imperfect communion with the Church he says on his blog.

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson the Nuncio to Ukraine has answered the two questions on the Catholic Faith on his blog Deo Volente Ex Anima .

Dear Archbishop Thomas Gullickson,
There are three types of baptism water, desire and blood.
You would agree that desire and blood are graces of God and are known only to God. We do not know anyone on earth saved with the baptism of desire or blood in 2012. So while in principle we accept the baptism of desire and blood we know they are not visible and repeatable as the baptism of water.
So I come back to my question:

1. Do we know in the year 2012 any one saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire, a good conscience, seeds of the word (AG 11), imperfect communion with the Church(UR) ?
Lionel: The answer would be no we do not? Since these cases are known only to God.

2. If we do not know any of these cases in 2012 can they be considered exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors?
Lionel: So if we do not personally know any of these cases can they be considered de facto (explicit ) exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
In Christ

Thomas E. GullicksonNovember 19, 2012 10:39 AM

Lionel, Thank you!
To my mind your analysis is air tight. How can we know what is known to God alone? Our point of departure is Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus Est. Everything beyond baptism by water and the word is caught up in the mystery of Divine Providence and God's infinite mercy.

"Imperfect communion" is ecclesiological terminology which says nothing about the eternal salvation of an individual soul. Invincible ignorance goes well for matters of conscience and moral culpability, but otherwise I'd like to think that many people around the world A.D. find themselves in the same situation as people B.C. that is, with no possibility to know Christ. We think of St. Francis Xavier wanting to roust out of the universities of Europe as many as possible for the mission in India or of his urgency to reach China.

Simply said, anyone who claims that in 2012 we don't stand in continuity with the great tradition of the Church or that for some reason we are less anxious for souls today, is simply spinning and has not understood the thrust of Vatican II.

The American Archbishop indicates that 'the thrust of Vatican II' is traditional.
-Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors



Image result for Bishop Thomas Gullickson Photos
Archbishop Thomas E.Gulllickson, the Apostolic Nuncio to Switzerland and Liechtenstein contradicts Archbishops Morandi and Di Noia, Secretaries at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).
Archbishop Gullickson answered my two questions on his blog.
Like me, he would answer:-
1. Unknown and invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are NOT personally known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So I  would REJECT a new version of EENS with BOD,BOB and I.I being literal exceptions.
2.Unknown and physically invisible cases of being saved mentioned in Vatican Council II ( LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3 NA 2, GS 22 etc) are also NOT personally known examples of salvation outside the Church in 2019 and so they are NOT exceptions to 16th- century EENS.They do NOT contradict the Magisterium and missionaries of that time.

So the Apostolic Nuncio would support  16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.But the Archbishop-Secretaries at the CDF, like the present two popes, would reject 16th century EENS, the past exclusivist ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athansius Creed.
Similarly there would be cardinals and bishops who would agree with the American Nuncio.

Fr. Stefano Visintin osb, Rector, University of St. Anselm, Rome answered the two questions, which I asked him,and was in agreement with the Apostolic Nuncio. It is the same for John Martignoni, apologist at the EWTN.

They are making an observation of life, an empirical observation when they say that there are no physically visible cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I. Upon this observation was based the old salvation theology which says outside the Church there is no salvation.
For the present two popes and the CDF, there are physically visible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I. Upon this observation there is the New Theology , which says outside the Church there is known salvation ; there is salvation.

So now for the CDF Secretaries - the Apostolic Nuncio and many priests in Rome would legally, not be Catholic.This is the change in status for the St. Benedict Center.

 Brother Andre Marie MICM, in his correspondence with the CDF in 2016 has indicated that there are no known cases of BOD, BOB and I.I in our reality,and that they would be known only to God.Since I.I, BOB and BOD are not exceptions to EENS for him  he is saying that in Heaven there are only Catholics.

Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara
Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher FerraraImage result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara
Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara
This is unacceptable, legally and canonically, for the CDF and the Diocese of Manchester which has announced Precepts of Prohibitions.
So the same prohibitions would apply to cardinals, bishops, religious communities and priests and nuns who affirm Vatican Council II and EENS rationally and traditionally and so say that in Heaven there are only Catholics.
It would mean that the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Diocese of Worcester, USA, under Bishop Robert McManus, are also outside the Church and are not Catholics for the CDF and the Left.-Lionel Andrades

SEPTEMBER 29, 2018

 JUNE 20, 2016

Prof.Phillip Blosser, a Professor of Philosophy at Musings of a Pertinacious Papist and Tancred at The Eponymous Flower agree with me : hypothetical cases (baptism of desire etc) cannot be explicit for us in 2016
 JANUARY 28, 2015 
Fr.Marco Hausmann , Fr.P. Stefano Visintin OSB say there are no exceptions to the dogma, Cardinal Valliani's Vicariate says there are

The Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) does not affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) in harmony with Vatican Council II. He is holding doctrinal talks with the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) when he should be asked to recant or resign

 DECEMBER 19, 2018

Image result for Photo Vatican SSPX talks
The secret Vatican-SSPX doctrinal talks are not being made public, even though both sides claim to be Catholic.Cardinal Ladaria uses an irrationality to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with EENS.So deception is in his interest

DECEMBER 13, 2018

At the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts they do not affirm orthodoxy and deny teaching heresy : they follow present day ecclesiastics in a rupture with the past Magisterium

AUGUST 18, 2018
 Placuit Deo promotes an ecumenical Jesus and not Jesus according to the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church,which did not separate Jesus from faith and baptism in the Church for salvation : Sandro Magister and Edward Pentin did not know

The two popes have got it wrong  while an American archbishop and an Italian Vice Rector and professor of theology have got it correct.
Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are fallibly rejecting an infallible teaching by using an irrational premise while Bishop Thomas E.Gullickson and Fr. Stefano Visintin osb have detected the irrational premise.1
The two popes still use the irrational premise and so Vatican Council II (Cushingite) is a rupture with Tradition.They are objectively wrong when they assume that Lumen Gentium 16 etc refers to personally known cases.So there is rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known, for example,  to the 16th century missionaries.

The two popes like Cardinal Muller for ideological reasons,it would seem, continue to change doctrine with an irrational theology to create magisterial heresy.2
The two popes would also contradict the apologist John Martignoni and many Catholic priests in Rome.
The present magisterium of Cardinal Muller is teaching heresy.It has rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, according to an interview of Cardinal Muller by Edward Pentin for the National Catholic Register.Cardinal Muller assumes invisible cases of being saved in invincible ignorance etc are visible exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.So he has rejected the dogma EENS whose text does not mention any exceptions when it was defined by three Church Councils. This is  magisterial and ideological and it is approved heresy. 
Image result for photo of two popes
In March 2016 Pope Benedict confirmed in the Avvenire interview that extra ecclesiam nulla salus was no more like it was for the 16th century missionaries. So we have the present magisterium opposing the past magisterium.It is saying that the Holy Spirit was wrong. This accusation is based on alleged known salvation outside the Church.There are visible and known cases for them of what is invisible.
With Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) there is no clash with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the ecclesiology of the past.However the two popes and Cardinal Muller will not interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise. Since this would create a political storm with the Left.
So Catholics in general , who do not know theology, just have to live with this magisterial heresy.
-Lionel Andrades

 Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson the Nuncio to Ukraine has answered the two questions on the Catholic Faith on his blog Deo Volente Ex Anima.

Dear Archbishop Thomas Gullickson,
There are three types of baptism water, desire and blood.
You would agree that desire and blood are graces of God and are known only to God. We do not know anyone on earth saved with the baptism of desire or blood in 2012. So while in principle we accept the baptism of desire and blood we know they are not visible and repeatable as the baptism of water.
So I come back to my question:

1. Do we know in the year 2012 any one saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire, a good conscience, seeds of the word (AG 11), imperfect communion with the Church(UR) ?
Lionel: The answer would be no we do not? Since these cases are known only to God.

2. If we do not know any of these cases in 2012 can they be considered exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors?
Lionel: So if we do not personally know any of these cases can they be considered de facto (explicit ) exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
In Christ

Thomas E. Gullickson November 19, 2012 10:39 AM

Lionel, Thank you!
To my mind your analysis is air tight. How can we know what is known to God alone? Our point of departure is Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus Est. Everything beyond baptism by water and the word is caught up in the mystery of Divine Providence and God's infinite mercy.

"Imperfect communion" is ecclesiological terminology which says nothing about the eternal salvation of an individual soul. Invincible ignorance goes well for matters of conscience and moral culpability, but otherwise I'd like to think that many people around the world A.D. find themselves in the same situation as people B.C. that is, with no possibility to know Christ. We think of St. Francis Xavier wanting to roust out of the universities of Europe as many as possible for the mission in India or of his urgency to reach China.

Simply said, anyone who claims that in 2012 we don't stand in continuity with the great tradition of the Church or that for some reason we are less anxious for souls today, is simply spinning and has not understood the thrust of Vatican II.

Xl arch. gerhard muller now cardinal elect with pope benedict xvi

Cardinal Muller for ideological reasons has changed doctrine with an irrational theology to create magisterial heresy

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