Monday, December 21, 2020

All these years the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) claimed they were following Tradition. Look at their score.

 All these years the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) claimed they were following Tradition. Look at their score. 

They interpret the Nicene Creed with a false premise.

They interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise.

They interpret all the Catechisms with a false premise.

They interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance with a false premise. 

So they only knew of an EENS(extra ecclesiam nulla salus)  interpreted with a false premise.

They reject the Athanasius Creed with the false premise. 

This is first class heresy and a rejection of Tradition and they call themselves traditionalists and criticize Holy Mass in the vernacular. -Lionel Andrades

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