Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Cardinal Angelo Donatis at the Rome Vicariate is expected to affirm the Catholic Faith. He is not there for window dressing. Similarly Mons. Libanori who intervened in the Ferrara-Commacchio diocese case of the young priests who were transferred, is expected to affirm the Catholic Faith in public. They must affirm Vatican Council II interpreted without a false premise and in harmony with Catholic Tradition


Cardinal Angelo Donatis at the Rome Vicariate  is expected to affirm the Catholic Faith. He is not there for window dressing.

Similarly Mons. Libanori, at the Rome Vicariate,  who intervened in the Ferrara-Commacchio diocese case of the young priests who were transferred, is expected to affirm the Catholic Faith in public.

They must affirm Vatican Council II interpreted without a false premise and in harmony with Catholic Tradition. -Lionel Andrades

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