Tuesday, December 22, 2020

How can Superiors of Religious Communities interpret the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference, which creates an artificial rupture with Catholic Tradition and then expect postulants and novices, to do the same ? How can Franciscans create a break with the teachings on salvation of St. Francis of Assisi ?.How can the Dominicans create a false rupture with St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Dominic. How can the present day Carmelites, Salesians and Redemptorists officially teach the same falsehood ?

 How can Superiors of Religious Communities interpret the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference, which creates an artificial rupture with Catholic Tradition and then expect postulants and novices,  to do the same ? How can Franciscans create a break with the teachings on salvation of St. Francis of Assisi ?.How can the Dominicans create a false rupture with St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Dominic. How can the present day Carmelites, Salesians and Redemptorists officially teach the same falsehood ?--Lionel Andrades

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