Wednesday, December 2, 2020

In his recent statement on Vatican Council II Prof. Roberto dei Mattei is still trying to beat a dead horse, his old version of Vatican Council II.It is appreciated by the liberals and the Left and is the only one known to the Lefebvrists

 In his recent statement on Vatican Council II Prof. Roberto dei Mattei is still trying to beat a dead horse, his old version of Vatican Council II.It is appreciated by the liberals and the Left and is the only one known to the Lefebvrists . 

Times have changed. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge and we have discovered the false premise he was using to interpret the Council and create a hermeneutic of rupture which was useful for him and the traditionalists. This has become obvious now that they do not want to affirm EENS according to the Jesuits missionaries in the Middle Ages. -Lionel Andrades

 DECEMBER 1, 2020

Roberto de Mattei still does not mention that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with a false premise or without it and he chooses the false one, like the liberals and the Left.Since it is in his personal interest, this is a moral issue. It is unethical to continue like this even after being informed so many times, often directly

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