Monday, December 14, 2020

Palavra Viva Brazilian community's departure : a bad precedent for Catholic religious communties from abroad

The Palavra Viva Brazilian community return home before Christmas, as part of the Leftist 'down sizing' of the Catholic Church in Italy  could be a bad precedent for other religious communities which have members from the USA, Canada, Spain and Brazil.
 The young lay, religious community which had spread fast, with no shortage of vocations,  opened new religious centers for men and women, in Italy during the short time they have been here. Now they leave, all together within a week.
"This was a community decision", said a member of  Palavra Viva, " because of the COVID restrictions".
Covid ? There are numerous Catholic religious from Brazil who still live in Italy. They are not moving.

No date has been fixed for the return of all the community members, some of whom, staffed the San Giuseppe a Capo le Case church, in central Rome.The Auxiliary bishop of central Rome , has to look for another community to replace them. This is the church visited by about five saints including St. Teresa of the Child Jesus. The Rector here is  Mons. Natale Loda, professor of Canon Law.The church is near the Basilica of Sant Andrea della Fratte, near Pizza Spagna,  where Our Lady appeared to Jewish financier Alphonse Ratisbonne. He  became a Catholic priest and founded  missionary organisations. St. Maximillian Kolbe offered his first Mass at Sant Andrea della Fratte.
The young Brazilian community, abruptly leave religious homes,students stop studies at pontifical universities with a week's notice and their pastoral work with the poor ends.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 13, 2020

Palavra Viva thriving Brazilian community to leave Italy en masse before Christmas : Official down sizing of the Church

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