Sunday, December 6, 2020

Peter Kwasniewski promotes Pope Benedict's false New Theology and then says ' theology is easy'. He does not correct the error in public so that Amazon will allow him to publish books and the bishops permit him to give talks as a liberal dissenter. With the false premise, which makes up his New Theology, there are exceptions created for St. Thomas Aquinas's stict interpretation of EENS, which Kwasniewski does not affirm for financial reasons


Peter Kwasniewski promotes Pope Benedict's false New Theology and then says theology is easy and 'is child's play'. He does not correct the error in public so that Amazon will allow him to publish books and the bishops permit him to give talks as a liberal dissenter.

With the false premise, which makes up his New Theology, there are exceptions created for St. Thomas Aquinas's stict interpretation of EENS, which Kwasniewski does not affirm for financial reasons.
-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 30, 2020

Poland, Slovakia and Austria's governments are interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and this is approved by the Left in these countries. The traditionalists are not doing anything about it in these countries, since they do not want to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine

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