Saturday, December 12, 2020

Seer at Medugorje : I Saw Hell


Seer: I Saw Hell

Medjugorje - Jakov

Seer: I Saw Hell

From La Luce di Maria:
Here is the interview that Jakov released to Father Livio of Radio Maria, talking about his trip to Hell:
JAKOV: Yes. Just thinking back to hell, I get …
PADRE LIVIO: Do you get chills?
JAKOV: I get chills and I just feel bad.
FATHER LIVIO: Do you feel bad about it? But what did you see, what did you see, so at a glance at the first moment?
JAKOV: We saw a fire. (…) The moment I looked I saw a fire and inside the fire …
FATHER LIVIO: Was the fire great?
JAKOV: Yes. And I’ve seen people, but they weren’t people. He was a kind of people who transformed, and then immediately I …
FATHER LIVIO: What turned into what?
JAKOV: In a type of animal.


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