Monday, December 21, 2020

The popes could announce that in future, authors must not write books on Vatican Council II by interpreting the Council with the false premise.This is a false way to create a rupture with Catholic Tradition. This deception must end.

 The popes could announce that in future, authors must not write  books on Vatican Council II by interpreting the Council with the  false premise.This is a false way to create a rupture with Catholic Tradition. This deception must end.

Also the German Catholic theological industry, must stop producing new theologies and reviews, based upon Vatican Council II  interpreted irrationally  instead of rationally.

Cardinal Schonborn must clarify that Austrian theologians can interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994)rationally or irrationally and they choose not to use the false premise. The University of Vienna is not Catholic, when it teaches theology with deception. -Lionel Andrades

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