Thursday, December 10, 2020

There is nothing in the entire text of Vatican Council II to contradict the strict intepretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) today, during the pontificate of Pope Francis, has made a mistake.They contradict the CDF of the 1930's and past centuries( Holy Office). Since the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance in the Baltimore Catechism,the Catechism of Trent and the Catechism of Pope Pius X are not objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS. A correction of itself is needed from the CDF

 There is nothing in the entire text of Vatican Council II to contradict the strict intepretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) today, during the pontificate of Pope Francis, has made a mistake.They contradict the CDF of the 1930's  and past centuries( Holy Office). Since the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance in the Baltimore Catechism,the Catechism of Trent and the Catechism of Pope Pius X are not objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS. A correction of itself is needed from the CDF. -Lionel Andrades


Pope Benedict made a mistake. We have discovered the MISSING LINK. We now know how the hermeneutic of rupture emerges

The conflict has arisen from the fact that “two contrary hermeneutics came face to face and quarrelled with each other. ”
Lionel: Correct. One was with the false premise and the other was without it. So the conclusion of both had to be different.
On the one hand there was a “hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture.” On the other, a “hermeneutic of reform, of renewal in the continuity of the one subject-Church.”
Lionel: False.False and false again.
This is the conclusion of the use of a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.
According to the first hermeneutic "it would be necessary not to follow the texts of the Council but its spirit,” making room for “impulses toward the new” that are seen as underlying the texts, “in which, to reach unanimity, it was found necessary to keep and reconfirm many old things that are now pointless.”
Lionel: Without the false premise there is no 'spirit of Vatican Council II', no 'development of doctrine' etc. Pope Benedict is a Cushingite. His interpretation of Vatican Council II was with the false premise.
The secret is now out. It is only a question of time before the  theological house of cards collapses.

JULY 5, 2020

We know that there is a hermeneutic of discontinuity with Vatican Council II and the pope is still trying to defend the Council interpreted with the false premise,inference and conclusion. He is not disclosing the secret for the discontinuity, the precise cause

from Sandro Magister's blog, Il Settimo Cieli

 JULY 8, 2020

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