Saturday, December 5, 2020

Today no one is willing to say that the Ratzinger New Theology is flawed with an objective mistake, which needs to be corrected

 Jesuit Boston College expelled Fr.Leonard Feeney  and four Catholic professors for not saying invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance were visible exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).

One of the professors expelled by Boston College, Brother Francis Maluf MICM, would years later meet with Cardinal Ratzinger.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger did not ask the Jesuits at Boston College, USA how could unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance be known exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) ?              

Since this error was the foundation of the New Theology which he and Fr. Karl Rahner sj were promoting.Only with the New Theology they could create a New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology and New Evangelisation.He could not disclose this to Brother Francis. Pope Benedict's reputation as a theologian depended upon New Theology which came from the Boston Case.

As Archbishop of Munich, Pope Benedict 's books,articles and talks were based on the New Theology which he promoted among German theologians and organisation.


As Archbishop of Munich he also promoted the Catholic Integrated Community  (Integrierte Gemeinde) .Prof. Ludwig Weimer and Achim Buckenmaier of the Integrierte Geminde  teach the New Theology created with the false premise. They teach it at the pontifical universities in Rome. There is also now a Ratzinger Foundation and Ratzinger Studies and Spirituality with post graduate courses - all with its foundation in the New Theology.

Pope Francis is also indebted to Pope Benedict for his liberalism. On the return flight from Abu Dhabi, after his initital visit, he said he had not shifted a millimeter ( or centimeter)  from Vatican Council II. He meant Vatican Council II interpreted with the New Theology.

Similarly at the Plaquet Deo Press Conference  when asked by  an Associated Press lady reporter, Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, suggested that the Church no more taught that it has a superiority and exclusiveness in salvation. He cited LG 8 as an exception.Of course, it was LG 8 interpreted with the New Theology,interpreted with the false premise.

The Jesuits at Boston College and the Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome have gone into all weird theologies, since they were protected by Pope Benedict.

The liberal Pope Benedict consolidated the error in the SSPX case. He said that the problem with the SSPX was doctrinal. Until they resolved it they could not get canonical recognition. He meant that they had to continue to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with the New Theology but they must accept the non traditional conclusion.

Brother Francis MICM has passed away.Justice was not done. His daughter is the Prioress of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Benedict Center, USA . She, along with Brother Andre Marie MICM, Prior at the St. Benedict Center,  was told by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) Archbishop-Secretaries, that the community was legally not Catholic.The  issue still is doctrinal. They had to interpret EENS  and Vatican Council II with the false premise, and New Theology of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.

When Pope Benedict resigned the Jewish Left rabbis praised him.He had maintained good relations with them. He officially announced that Jews do not need to convert and enter the Catholic Church for salvation ( since there were known exceptions to EENS for him). He opened the door for Satan in exchange for peace.

Today the Rome Vicariate only incardinates priests who say hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance  are objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. 

The local bishops and the Vatican only accept vocations to the religious life, of candidates, who state LG 16 is an objective exception to the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. This is Pope Benedict's legacy - the New Theology. 

Cardinal Braz de Avez  will not accept the Franciscans of the Immaculate( either group) if they announce that they accept Vatican Council II and interpret it without the New Theology.

Pope Benedict controlled the narrative in the Church even when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Today no one is willing  to say that the Ratzinger New Theology is flawed  with an objective mistake, which needs to be corrected. -Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 3, 2020

There is an objective mistake in the New Theology of Pope Benedict and Maike Hickson is unaware of it


DECEMBER 2, 2020

Maike Hickson does not mention that Prof. Achim Buckenmaier, who teaches at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolorum University, Rome interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise.He uses the false New Theology of Pope Benedict based upon a false premise and inference. There is a flaw in the theology of Pope Benedict. This has to be recognised.

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