Saturday, December 19, 2020

When Pope Benedict reminds Europe of its Christian roots, he cannot tell Europe they need to come back to the Catholic Church. He does not say that Europe was once Catholic. He cannot, since for 55 years he has been saying that there is known salvation outside the Church ( a false premise ) and so non Catholics and non Christians, for him, do not need to convert into the Church

 When Pope Benedict reminds Europe of its Christian roots, he cannot tell Europe they need to come back to the Catholic Church. He does not say that Europe was once Catholic. He cannot, since for 55 years he has been saying that there is known salvation outside the Church ( a false premise ) and so non Catholics and non Christians,for him, do not need to convert into the Church. Bishop Robert Barron has taken Pope Benedict's liberalism further and said that we have a reasonable hope that most men and women will be saved . -Lionel Andrades

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