Monday, December 7, 2020

When Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) without the false premise ' Rome will come back to the Faith'. There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict the strict interpretation of EENS. Pope Francis needs to announce this.

 When Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) without the false premise ' Rome will come back to the Faith'.

There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict the strict interpretation of EENS. Pope Francis needs to announce this.

Pope Francis could interpret Lumen Gentium and Unitatatis Redintigratio and Nostra Aetate with 'the red not being an exception to the blue'. The Councill will then not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology f the Catholic Church.Then he could say that he has not shifted a centimeter from Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.

By setting aside Pope Benedict's false New Theology Pope Francis can return back to Tradition. Without Pope Benedict's false New Theology even the liberals and 'traditionalists' can return back to Tradition.-Lionel Andrades

 JANUARY 15, 2020

The books by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre are as obsolete as those of the liberals Kung and Kasper, since he used a false premise to interpret the Council and did not know how the Council could be interpreted without the irrationality.So today it is no more an issue of traditionalists versus the liberals.Both camps are Cushingite and not Feeneyite on Vatican Council II.

The books by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre are as obsolete as those of the liberals Kung and Kasper, since he used a false premise to interpret the Council and did not know how the  Council could be interpreted without the irrationality.So today it is no more an issue of traditionalists versus the liberals.Both camps are  Cushingite and not Feeneyite on Vatican Council II. 
Image result for Archbishop LefebvreImage result for Fr.Hans Kung sjImage result for Cardinal Kasper
For all of them 'the red was an exception to the blue', when the red really referred to 'zero cases', 'zero passages' in Vatican Council II. 1
Image result for the red is not an exception to the blue photos

Image result for the red is not an exception to the blue photos  

Image result for the red is not an exception to the blue photos

Image result for the red is not an exception to the blue photos
So the books by Roberto dei Mattei, Paulo Pasqualucci, Cristina Siccardi and others sold at the SSPX chapel are also obsolete.They assume the red is an exception to the blue and so misinterpret the Council.
Image result for photos of Roberto dei MatteiImage result for photos of Paolo Pasqualucci
They were correct in their conclusion that the Church was  a rupture with Tradition.
But they were not aware of their Cushingite interpretation of the Council which causes the break with Tradition. They also did not interpret Vatican Council II, with Feeneyism, to affirm the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus).
There are no physical bodies  of non Catholics saved without faith and baptism, in Newton's time and space. To assume there are such cases and then make a new theology based upon this irrationality, is not Catholic Tradition.Yet this was done by the traditionalists too after they accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.
This is the new theology of the traditionalists and liberals, the former reject the conclusion and the latter accept it. Neither of the two interpret the Council without the irrationality and accept the traditional conclusion.
-Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 9, 2019

The red is not an exception to the blue' : new extraordinary understanding of Vatican Council II

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