Saturday, November 14, 2020

Archbishop Carlo Vigano is a Cushingite and I am a Feeneyite and so our Profession of Faith will be different. He interprets the Nicene Creed with a false premise.It is the same one used in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.I avoid that false premise. Similarly Fr. Thomas Weinandy is a Cushingite and I am a Feeneyite so our concept of the four marks of the Catholic Church would ne different. For him it is one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church outside of which there is known salvation and so he is not a Feeneyite on EENS. There is known and visible salvation outside the Church and so there are exceptions to traditional EENS for him. For me of course it is one holy,Catholic and Apostolic Church outside of which there is no salvation. I am a Feeneyite


Archbishop Carlo Vigano is a Cushingite and I am a Feeneyite and so our Profession of Faith will be different. He interprets the Nicene Creed with a false premise.It is the same one used in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.I avoid that false premise.

Similarly Fr. Thomas Weinandy is a Cushingite and I am a Feeneyite so our concept of the four marks of the Catholic Church would ne different. For him it is one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church outside of which there is known salvation and so he is not a Feeneyite on EENS.

There is known and visible salvation outside the Church and so there are exceptions to traditional EENS for him.

 For me of course it is one holy,Catholic and Apostolic Church outside of which there is no salvation. I am a Feeneyite. -Lionel Andrades

A fake premise was used by Archbishop Guido Pozzo to interpret Vatican Council II and create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition and he would offer the Latin Mass without the old exclusivist salvation theology and old ecclesiology. He would offer the Latin Mass with the new ecclesiology. It would be the same as the Novus Ordo Mass. The new ecclesiology, new theology and new ecumenism is created with the use of a false premise

 A fake premise was used by Archbishop Guido Pozzo to interpret Vatican Council II and create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition and he would offer the Latin Mass without the old exclusivist salvation theology and old ecclesiology. He would offer the Latin Mass with the new ecclesiology. It would be the same as the Novus Ordo Mass. The new ecclesiology, new theology and new ecumenism is created with the use of a false premise.. -Lionel Andrades

Who would have taught that Bishop Robert Barron and Fr. Dwight Longenecker would be rad trads and not be able to deny it



Who would have taught that Bishop Robert Barron  and Fr. Dwight Longenecker  would be rad trads and not be able to deny it. -Lionel Andrades

We can have the old ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass today at the Novus Ordo Mass when the false premise is not used. Five years back Massimo Faggioli would not have believed that he could be labelled a traditionalist and would not be able to deny it

 We can have the old ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass today at the Novus Ordo Mass when the false premise is not used.

Five years back Massimo Faggioli would not have believed that he could be labelled a traditionalist and would not be able to deny it.. -Lionel Andrades

Dominican chaplain at Medugorje who saw Our Lady three times and spoke to her, once when he was accompanied with a Monsignor speaks about the Mass


NOVEMBER 14, 2020

Dominican chaplain at Medugorje saw Our Lady and she showed him his sins and told him a terrible time is coming for the Catholic Church when the Faith will be denied in general and he too will deny the Faith


NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Dominican priest of the English Province and former Medical Doctor saw Our Lady three times : She told him to tell every one about it. He is the chaplain today in Medugorje

 NOVEMBER 11, 2020

Experience Medjugorje and Our Lady's Messages : Priest from Singapore sees Our Lady in person three times

When Archbishop Vigano interprets Vatican Council II the liberals like it since he is presenting a Cushingite interpretation of the Council, with the false premise.He is not affirming the Feeneyite version of Vatican Council II i.e the without the false premise and which exposes the present liberalism as a lie.

 When Archbishop Vigano interprets Vatican Council II the liberals like it since he is presenting a Cushingite interpretation of the Council, with the false premise.He is not affirming the Feeneyite version of Vatican Council II i.e the without the false premise and which exposes the  present liberalism as a lie. -Lionel Andrades

Unite The Clans! : Michael Matt wants to unite the clans with every one having to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so he would not have to affirm Feeneyite EENS


 Michael Matt wants to unite the clans with every one having to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so he would not have to affirm Feeneyite EENS.-Lionel Andrades

The whole Catholic Church can go back to Tradition but the Lefebvrists are preventing it by supporting th liberal-error.They don't want to be Feeneyites.It is convenient, expedient and peaceful for them to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise instead of without it. They need the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition for personal reasons., for personal interests

 The whole Catholic Church can go back to Tradition but the Lefebvrists are preventing it by supporting th liberal-error.They don't want to be Feeneyites.It is convenient, expedient and peaceful for them to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise instead of without it. They need the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition for personal reasons., for personal interests. -Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Vigano, John Henry Weston and John Smeaton will not affirm exclusive salvation as Feeneyites and they want children to learn the Baltimore Catechism and interpret it with Cushingism. So Cushingite baptism of desire mentioned in the Baltimore Catechism would be an exception for Feeneyite passages in the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27Q) . Similarly other Church documents would contradict each other.

 Archbishop Vigano, John Henry Weston and John Smeaton will not affirm exclusive salvation as Feeneyites and they want children to learn the Baltimore Catechism and interpret it with Cushingism.

So Cushingite baptism of desire mentioned in the Baltimore Catechism would be an exception for Feeneyite passages in the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27Q) . Similarly other Church documents would contradict each other. -Lionel Andrades

Jacob Rees Mogg as a Catholic could interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise ?

 Jacob Rees Mogg as a Catholic could interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise ? -Lionel Andrades


Get ready for a new book to be published by Angelus Press of the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) which will interpret Magisterial documents with a false premise, as if all is well. They will also interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and then criticize the Council and the Conciliar Church of which they are a part of

 Get ready for a new book to be published by Angelus Press of the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX)  which will interpret Magisterial documents with a false premise, as if all is well. They will also interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and then criticize the Council and the Conciliar Church of which they are a part of. - Lionel Andrades

The German Catholic bishops are in schism with the Magisterium over the centuries when they use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms to creatae new doctrines and new interpretations of the Creeds and Catechisms. The bishops over the centuries in Germany interpreted the Creeds and Catechisms with Feeneyism ( no false premise) and now they interpret them with Cushingism( with the false premise). So the conclusion is different

 The German Catholic bishops are in schism with the Magisterium over the centuries when they use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms to creatae new doctrines and new interpretations of the Creeds and Catechisms. The bishops over the centuries in Germany interpreted the Creeds and Catechisms with Feeneyism ( no false premise) and now they interpret them with Cushingism( with the false premise). So the conclusion is different. -Lionel Andrades

The Catholic News Agency (Deutsch) does not mention that Pope Benedict like the Catholic Integrated Community(CIC) , from which he has disassociated himself, use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II

 The Catholic News Agency (Deutsch) does not mention that Pope Benedict like the Catholic Integrated Community(CIC) , from which he has disassociated himself, use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II. - Lionel Andrades

The German Catholic Church is Leftist only with the false premise. Without the false premise they return to the traditional German Catholic theology which was there for centuries and was taught by the saints and bishops in Germany

 The German Catholic Church is Leftist only with the false premise. Without the false premise they return to the traditional German Catholic theology which was there for centuries and was taught by the saints and bishops in Germany. -Lionel Andrades

If the German Catholic bishops did not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents, to not create a rupture with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors , Athanasius Creed etc ) they would have to say all Orthodox Jews and the Jewish Left ( Babylonian Jews) in Germany , are outside the Catholic Church and so are on the way to Hell.This would be returning to the ecclesiology and salvation theology of the German bishops over the centuries. There would be no rupture with German Catholic traditional theology

 If the German Catholic bishops did not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents, to  not create a rupture with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors , Athanasius Creed etc ) they would have to say all Orthodox Jews and the Jewish Left ( Babylonian Jews) in Germany , are outside the Catholic Church and so are on the way to Hell.This would be returning to the ecclesiology and salvation theology of the German bishops over the centuries. There would  be no rupture with German Catholic traditional theology. -Lionel Andrades

If the German bishops did not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS they would have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS and then say that the German Protestant and Evangelical communities are outside the Catholic Church and outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. Now with the false premise Vatican Council II says for them that there are exceptions to EENS in the Council-text and so outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc refer to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. This is irrational and deceptive. Since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc refer to hypothetical and imaginary cases only they exist only in our mind

 If the German bishops did not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS they would have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS and then say that the German Protestant and Evangelical  communities are outside the Catholic Church and outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. 

Now with the false premise Vatican Council II says for them that there are exceptions to EENS in the Council-text and so outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc refer to known non Catholics saved outside the Church.

This is irrational and deceptive. Since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc refer to hypothetical and imaginary cases only they exist only in our mind. -Lionel Andrades

The theological papers and dissetations of German Catholic scholars and students are flawed. The Catholic Church in Germany is interpreting Vatican Council II and all Magisterial documents with a false premise which has come in a big way from the mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO)

 The theological papers and dissetations of German Catholic scholars and students are flawed. The Catholic Church in Germany is interpreting Vatican Council II and all Magisterial documents with a false premise which has come in a big way from the mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO). -Lionel Andrades

The German bishops have approved the use of oral contraceptives at Catholic hospitals and they also have approved Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise

 The German bishops have approved the use of oral contraceptives at Catholic hospitals and they also have approved Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise.

They have also approved extra ecclesiam nulla salus being interpreted with a false premise.

They have also approved the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance being interpreted with a false premise. So the interpretation of the Nicene Creed and other Magisterial documents have changed. -Lionel Andrades

The German Catholic bishops are allowed to remain in their office since they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. If they did not interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise there would be no exceptions in the Council-text to the strict interpretation of EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus. of Errors of Pope Pius IX

 The German Catholic bishops are allowed to remain in their office since they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. If they did not interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise there would be no exceptions in the Council-text to the strict interpretation of  EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus. of Errors of Pope Pius IX.-Lionel Andrades

A Catholic cannot enter a seminary or be ordained a priest unless he interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise.This is true even for the SSPX or sedevacantist seminary

 A Catholic cannot enter a seminary or be ordained a priest unless he interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise.This is true even for the SSPX or sedevacantist seminary.  -Lionel Andrades

Today a Catholic or non Catholic student cannot study at a pontifical university in Rome if he does not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. Since if he does not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise he is a Feeneyite

 Today a Catholic or non Catholic student cannot study at a pontifical university in Rome if he does not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. Since if he does not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise he is a Feeneyite. -Lionel Andrades

It was the Germans Rahner and Ratzinger who preserved the New Theology for the German bishops and now all of them are interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise

 It was the Germans Rahner and Ratzinger who preserved the New Theology for the German bishops and now all of them are interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise.. -Lionel Andrades

Coetus Internationalis Patrum, the Lepanto Institute and Correspondenza Romano of Roberto dei Mattei are still making the same error as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani at Vatican Council II

  Coetus Internationalis Patrum , the Lepanto Institue and Correspondenza Romano of Roberto dei Mattei are still making the same error  as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani at Vatican Council II. They were using a false premise at Vatican Council II,  to interpret BOD, BOB and I.I.So EENS had exceptions. They accepted the mistake in the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 (LOHO). -Lionel Andrades

BOD (baptism of desire)

BOB (baptism of blood)

I.I (Invincible ignorance)

The Catholic Identity Conference organisers are still interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and there is no denial from them or an acknowledgment of the error, next year they will hold another conference, repeating the politically- correc-t with- the- Left mistake. This is not our Catholic Identity


The Catholic Identity Conference organisers are still interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and there is no denial from them or an acknowledgment of the error, next year they will hold another conference, repeating the politically- correct- with- the- Left mistake. This is not our Catholic Identity. -Lionel Andrades

Coetus Internationalis Patrum and Acies Ordinata are still interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and there is no denial from them or an acknowledgment of the error.


The  Coetus Internationalis Patrum and Acies Ordinata are still interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and there is no denial from them or an acknowledgment of the error. -Lionel Andrades

The Glora TV Staff in Switzerland, like the German bishops, are interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and so they are politically correct with the Left i.e not Feeneyites

 The Glora TV Staff in Switzerland, like the German bishops, are interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and so they are politically correct  with the Left i.e not Feeneyites.- Lionel Andrades

The non Christian organisations in Germany must ask the German Catholic bishops to interpret Vatican Council II rationally otherwise it would be dishonest and unethical

 The non Christian organisations in Germany must ask the German Catholic bishops to interpret Vatican Council II rationally otherwise it would be dishonest and unethical. - Lionel Andrades

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican is not correcting the numerous theological magazines being produced in Germany and Austria which use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II

 The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican is not correcting the numerous theological magazines being produced in Germany and Austria  which use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II. - Lionel Andrades

Why are the German Catholic bishops allowing new books to be published on Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise. They need to announce that there is nothing in Unitatis Redintigratio (Decree on Ecumenism), Vatican Council II to contradict an ecumenism of return. There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the German Catholic Church over the centuries. There is nothing in Nostra Aetate to contradict the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS)

 Why are the German Catholic bishops allowing new books to be published on Vatican Council II interpreted  with a false premise. They need  to announce that there is nothing in Unitatis Redintigratio (Decree on Ecumenism), Vatican Council II to contradict an ecumenism of return.

There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the German Catholic Church over the centuries.

There is nothing in Nostra Aetate to contradict the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).

Hypothetical and theological cases in Gaudium et Specs  do not contradict the Athanasius Creed which says all need to be Catholic for salvation.-Lionel Andrades 

Michael Voris, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli say outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and then like Jim Russell and the liberals, interpret Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Letter of the Holy Office(LOHO) with a false premise and so say outside the Church there is salvation


Michael Voris, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli  say outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and then like Jim Russell and the liberals, interpret Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Letter of the Holy Office(LOHO) with a false premise and so say outside the Church there is salvation.

I accept the first part of LOHO and reject the second part of LOHO which rejects the first part by using a false premise.LOHO uses the false premise to interpret  the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance.

I interpret  Vatican Council II and EENS without  the false premise. -Lionel Andrades

Dominican chaplain at Medugorje saw Our Lady and she showed him his sins and told him a terrible time is coming for the Catholic Church when the Faith will be denied in general and he too will deny the Faith


NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Dominican priest of the English Province and former Medical Doctor saw Our Lady three times : She told him to tell every one about it. He is the chaplain today in Medugorje

 NOVEMBER 11, 2020

Experience Medjugorje and Our Lady's Messages : Priest from Singapore sees Our Lady in person three times

The Latin Mass offered by the FSSP and SSPX priests and attended by Peter Kwasniewski is not the Mass of the Ages, the ecclesiology of Kwasniewski and the officiating priests is a rupture with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass of the Jesuit missionaries, for example, in the Middle Ages.This is an impediment to offering Holy Mass. The heresy and schism is supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the present two popes, so the licitness of the Mass is irrelevant

 The Latin Mass offered by the FSSP and SSPX priests and attended by Peter Kwasniewski is not the Mass of the Ages, the ecclesiology of Kwasniewski and the officiating priests is a rupture with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass of the Jesuit missionaries, for example, in the Middle Ages.This is an impediment to offering Holy Mass. The heresy and schism is supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the present two popes, so the licitness of the Mass is irrelevant.

Kwasniewski and the priests at the Latin and Novus Ordo Mass use a false premise to interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance. So there is an artifical rupture created with Tradition as it was known at Mass in Latin or Greek over the centuries.

There is no denial from the traditionalists or liberals or Kwasniewski on this point. It seems they all agree with me.

The measures of Validity, Licitness, Fittingness and Authenticiy do not apply since the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the popes since Pius XII have been using the false premise to interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They support unorthodox new doctrines created with a false premise.

 With the same false premise they create a new version of the Nicene Creed which is first class heresy and they reject the Athanasius Creed which again is first class heresy and an impediment to offering Holy Mass for the priest.-Lionel Andrades

The Four Qualities of Liturgy: Validity, Licitness, Fittingness, and Authenticity (Full Text of Dr. Kwasniewski’s Lecture)


NOVEMBER 13, 2020

The Rahnerian theology which Cardinal Ratzinger had taught at the politifical universities and seminaries is propaganda based upon a false premise and inference.The Ratzingerian theology being taught at the universities Regina Apostolorum and John Lateran, Rome, are also propaganda based upon a false premise which creates a development of doctrine and is official heresy and schism approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

John Smeaton, Roberto dei Mattei and John Henry Weston's concept of being Catholic is restricted to abortion and homosexuality while they choose to knowingly interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise like the prudent USCCB bishops, to create a break with traditional Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus


John Smeaton, Roberto dei Mattei and John Henry Weston's concept of being Catholic is restricted to abortion and homosexuality while they choose to knowingly interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise like the prudent USCCB bishops, to create a break with traditional Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. -Lionel Andrades

I think it is time for Fr. James Martin sj, America Today and the Jesuits to concede that Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the false premise and there is no theological rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages and the Jesuit Fr. Leonard Feeney in Boston


America Media of the Jesuits says its time for President Trump to concede. 
I think it is time for Fr. James Martin sj, America Today and the Jesuits to concede that Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the false premise and there is no theological rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages and the Jesuit Fr. Leonard Feeney in Boston. -Lionel Andrades