Monday, November 23, 2020

Will Many be Saved? - Matt Fradd : There are no objective exceptions to St. Thomas Aquinas' strict interpretation of EENS which Fradd would consider triumphalistic



The following are all hypothetical cases, possibilities which exist only in our mind, they are not objective cases of known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So there is really nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the strict interpretation of EENS.Since LG 8, UR 3, GS 22 etc all refer to speculative and theoretical cases.They cannot be projected as exceptions to the Athanasius Creed.It says all need Catholic faith for salvation. 


1.(Time 35:10) What does Vatican Council II say about people outside the Church being saved ? Well In Lumen Gentium 16 we do read...yes it is possible that those outside the fold will be saved.

2.(57:25) St. Thomas Aquinas refers to the baptism of desire for someone who has not received the baptism of water.

3.(57:47) Whereby God whose power is not tied to visible Sacraments sanctifies man inwardly.

4.(57:59) Hence St. Ambrose says of his friend the Emperor Valintinian that I lost him but he did not lose the grace he prayed for.

5.God is not bound Sacraments ( 1257).

6.(59:17) Those who have an implicit desire for the baptism of water can also be saved.

So without confusing possibilities as being real people, we avoid the common false premise and return to Catholic Tradition. There is no room for liberalism and the development of doctrine. 

-Lionel Andrades

Will Many be Saved? : The mainstream Tradition of the Church interpreted Scripture differently in the past as compared to today

(Time on video 10.00) Universalism is the remarkable rebellion of the human mind against the Revealed Word of God and the mainstream Tradition of the Church - Ralph Martin as quoted by Matt Fradd in the video.

The mainstream Tradition of the Catholic Church over the centuries, has always taught that there is exclusive salvation.It taught that inculpable ignorance and the baptism of desire are not objective exceptions to this exclusivist salvation in the Church.This is common sense. They are always hypothetical only.So it was taught that it was important that all be members of the Church to avoid Hell.
However today the mainstream Church, including Ralph Martin,reject exclusive salvation and project invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire etc, as objective exceptions to no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
So the mainstream Tradition of the Church interpreted Scripture differently in the past as compared to today. -Lionel Andrades 

Matt Chadd presents a Cushingite version of St. Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas was Feeneyite.But Chadd interprets 'invincible ignorance' with a false premise. So he interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise to create a rupture with Aquinas on EENS

Matt Chadd presents a Cushingite version of St. Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas was Feeneyite.But Chadd interprets 'invincible ignorance' with a false premise.He is a Cushingite and not a Feeneyite. So  he interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise  to create a rupture with Aquinas on EENS. - Lionel Andrades