Thursday, January 14, 2021

I support Medugorje because of my personal experiences there in 1994-1995. Medugorje is more then the visionaries. It is an extra ordinary place. One has to be be there to understand what I am saying

I support Sacred Tradition in harmony with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.
I am not a traditionalist who rejects the Council ( interpreted irrationally) since they do not know of a rational interpretation.
Their irrational interpretation,which is the same as the liberals,  has to be a break with Tradition.
A false premise creates a false inference.
I support Medugorje because of my personal experiences there in 1994-1995. I went there on two pilgrimages and lived there for about three months. Fr. Slavko Barbaric ofm was my friend. He would fight for me to make sure everything went well and he always got his way.He was great!
I lived with the religious communities there : Beatitudes, Oasis of Peace, Mother Rosaria's community...The Beatitude community had a hermitage and they would give me the key.
I did not have a drug problem but I would go and pray sometimes at Sister Elvira's community for the Rehabiliation of Drug Addicts. I would see them on their knees praying the 15 decade rosary every day !.
Medugorje is more then the visionaries. It is an extra ordinary place. One has to be be there to understand what I am saying. I went there since I was called. I responded to Our Lady. -L.A

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