Wednesday, January 13, 2021

In future Pope Francis and Cardinal Ladaria will continue to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, even after being informed. Then they could tell us that if Vatican Council II can change Tradition, then why cannot we have institutional women deacons in the Church.

 In line with the Second Vatican Council, the Supreme Pontiff Saint Paul VI wished to revise the practice of non-ordained ministries in the Latin Church - hitherto referred to as “minor orders” - adapting it to the needs of the times. This adaptation, however, should not be interpreted as an substitution of previous doctrine, but rather as an implementation of the dynamism that typifies the nature of the Church, always called with the help of the Spirit of Truth to respond to the challenges of every age, in obedience to Revelation. The Apostolic Letter in the form of the Motu Proprio Ministeria quaedam (15 August 1972) configures two offices (tasks), that of the Reader and that of the Acolyte, the first being closely connected to the ministry of the Word, the second to the ministry of the Altar, without excluding that other “offices” may be instituted by the Holy See at the request of the Episcopal Conferences.- Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on access of women to the ministries of Lector and Acolyte, 11.01.2021

In future Pope Francis and Cardinal Ladaria  will continue to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, even after being informed. Then they could tell us  that if Vatican Council II can change Tradition, then why cannot we have institutional women deacons in the Church.

The Apostolic Letter Spiritus Domini of Pope Francis follows in the tradition of Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus, Evangelii Nuntiandi and other papal documents since Paul VI.They had were written interpreting the Council with the false premise. They were all put together by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. The ecclesiastics had to employ a false premise and inference  to create a non traditional conclusion.

We are expected to consider this conclusion 'magisterial'.

The reference to Vatican Council II ( interpreted with the false premise and inference) shows that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is still working for the political Left and Satan.-Lionel Andrades

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