Friday, January 15, 2021

The 55 year old liberal-traditionalist division is finished since now we can affirm Vatican Council II and Tradition, without the false premise. This was not possible for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.: The liberals cited Vatican Council II in papal documents like Spiritus Domini, to justify a break with Tradition

 The 55 year old liberal-traditionalist division is finished since now we can affirm Vatican Council II and Tradition, without the false premise. This was not possible for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Since with the false premise, Vatican Council II was made a break with Tradition.So liberal doctrines emerged based upon their being known salvation outside the Church. So with exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus there was the New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisastion and new interpretation of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance etc.The liberals cited Vatican Council II in papal documents like Spiritus Domini, to justify a break with Tradition.

But now the re is no theological basis for liberalism since we can interpret Church doctrines without the false premise.We  know how to do it.

There is no known and visible case of someone saved in 'imperfect communion with the Church'(UR 3). So there is no New Ecumenism.UR 3 must only be seen as being hypothetical.

There is no physically visible and known case of a non Catholic saved outside the Church in 'invincible ignorance'(LG 16). So there is no New Ecclesiology. We view LG 16 as a hypothetical case.

There is no liberalism on Mission since there are no known and seen cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church without faith and baptism(Ad Gentes 7). So there is no exception to the old teaching on their being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church only. There are no known exceptions to EENS. So liberalism is blocked on this issue too.

Pope Francis and Cardinal Kasper and Cardinal Ladaria can no more support their liberalism with Vatican Council II. -Lionel Andrades

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