Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Vatican is preparing a 'joint message' on Martin Luther with the Lutheran World Federation.Cardinal Kurt Koch and Bishop Brian Farrell do not announce that when Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism( hypothetical cases are just hypothetical) the Lutherans are outside the Church and are lost forever(AG 7)

 The Vatican is preparing a 'joint message' on Martin Luther with the Lutheran World Federation. Cardinal Kurt Koch and Bishop Brian Farrell do not announce that when Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism( hypothetical cases are just hypothetical) the Lutherans are outside the Church and are lost forever(AG 7).They do not have Catholic Faith(AG 7).

Also when Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism ( hypothetical cases are not objective exceptions to EENS) there are also no exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus mentioned in Vatican Council II( Feeneyite).

At the time of the joint declaration, the pope interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism(hypothetical cases are objective in the present times). He used the false premise to interpret Unitatis Redintigratio(Decree on Ecumenism), Vatican Council II to create a fake break with the traditional ecumenism of return.

Also Lumen Gentium was interpreted at that time, by the Catholics and Lutherans with the approval of Pope Benedict,  irrationally. They used the false premise of Pope Benedict. So  there was an artificial rupture with the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. According to the past ecclesiology of the Church Martin Luther is in Hell. He was outside the Catholic Church without Catholic faith and with public mortal sins of morals and faith he was excommunicated.-Lionel Andrades

Vatican preparing 'joint message'  on Martin Luther with Lutheran World federation

JANUARY 8, 2021

The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the Lutheran World Foundation (LWF) have made an objective mistake

 VATICAN CITY, January 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the Lutheran World Foundation (LWF) have released an updated version of their joint document on justification to mark the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s excommunication from the Catholic Church. -  By Michael Haynes, Pontifical council re-issues document claiming unity between Catholic and Lutheran doctrine

The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the Lutheran World Foundation (LWF) are interpreting Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the false premise. Without this error there really is no change in the traditional teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation 

It is only with the false premise that there can be a New Ecumenism. Without this error of Pope Benedict which creates a hermeneutic of rupture with the past, the Catholic Church today still teaches the traditional 'ecumenism of return'.- Lionel Andrades

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