Saturday, January 9, 2021

We hear this line often from Cushingites only

 When Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism it means every one outside the Catholic Church is on the way to Hell, without faith and baptism(AG 7).

When Vatican Council II is interpreted  with Cushingism the need for Mission is not there since outside the Church there is known salvation and there are objective exceptions to exclusive salvation in the Church. The Athanasius Creed , EENS etc are made obsolete.This is why Pope Benedict  as a Cushingite asks - why is there the need for mission when Vatican Council II says there is salvation outside the Church. He is referring  to personally known , visible, seen in the flesh cases. So LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc  are examples of visible non Catholics saved  outside the Church. This is how he reads Vatican Council II as a Cushingite. 'There is salvation outside the Church according to Vatican Council II'.

We hear this line often from Cushingites only.-Lionel Andrades

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