Sunday, January 10, 2021

Why do we have to interpret Dignitatis Humane like the liberals ? In a Catholic confessional state 'error could have no rights' but in a secular-Satanic state 'error is the norm'

 Why do we have to interpret Dignitatis Humane like the liberals ? In a Catholic confessional state 'error could have no rights' but in a secular-Satanic state 'error is the norm'. - Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 10, 2021

Dignitatis Humane (DH), in Vatican Council II has not contradicted the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church. Since outside the Church there is no salvation(AG 7), all need faith and baptism. Vatican Council II does not mention any practical exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).LG , LG 16, UR 3 etc are hypothetical cases only. So in Heaven there are only Catholics, Vatican Council II indicates. They are there with faith and baptism and without mortal sin on their soul. So according to Vatican Council II all need to be Catholic to avoid Hell ( for salvation). So it is necessary to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation and the government should be a Catholic confessional state, to save the maximum number of souls from going to Hell

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