Sunday, February 14, 2021

Bishop Vincenzo Apicella fails on all these seven points.His Profession of Faith is meaningless. He supports modernism created with a fake premise. Similarly the Oath Against Modernism would be of no value since he rejects Church teachings on the seven points. Also his Oath of Office as a Bishop would not be sincere

The Bishop of Velletri-Segni, Italy's Profession of Faith is as false as Arius in the third century.Fr. John Zuhlsdorf should object.

Here's a check list of Magisterial documents, interpreted by the bishop with a false premise and inference.

1)Nicene Creed. The bishop uses the false premise and so the understanding is not 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins' but three baptisms. They exclude the baptism of water to be objective exceptions for EENS.  

2) Apostles Creed. For the bishop the understanding is that the Holy Spirit teaches the Holy Catholic Church today that outside the Church there is salvation. This is a major change in theology and it comes from 'the revelation' in Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise

3)Athanasius Creed.It has been made obsolete. The text tells us that all need to be Catholic for salvation but there are objective exceptions for the bishop and the Curia in Velletri-Segni.

4)The Dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It was defined by three Church Councils.It did not mention any exceptions but this is not affirmed in the diocese. Since the baptism of desire etc refer to known people saved outside the Church.So they become alleged objective exceptions to EENS.They accept EENS with exceptions in th diocese.

5)Catechisms- Trent, Pius X, Pope John Paul II.They all contradict themselves and the dogma EENS for the bishop.This is the result of using the false premise.

6) Vatican Council II. It is interpreted with the false premise to make much of Tradition obsolete.

7) The baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance are interpreted falsely as referring to physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Church. So the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX is shelved.

Bishop Vincenzo Apicella fails on all these seven points.His Profession of Faith is meaningless. He supports modernism created with a fake premise. Similarly the Oath Against Modernism would be of no value since he rejects Church teachings on the seven points. Also his Oath of Office as a Bishop would not be sincere when he changes doctrine with the use of a fake premise.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 14, 2021

Why should a priest be incardinated in Madison who cannot affirm de fide teachings of the Church? Why should a bishop be approved in the Diocese of Madison who cannot make a Profession of Faith or take the Oath of the Bishop with a rational interpretation of the Nicene Creed ?

FEBRUARY 14, 2021

The USCCB and the Leftist state are not separated

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