Thursday, February 11, 2021

For Fr. Georges de Laire outside the Church there is salvation and there are not only Catholics in Heaven.For Brother Andre Marie MICM,outside the Church there is no salvation and so there are only Catholics in Heaven. He too cannot see people in Heaven but he is following the dogma EENS which is the norm for salvation for us Catholics

 The St.Benedict Center, NH says there are only Catholics in Heaven and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican and the Diocese of Manchester, say there are also people from other religions in Heaven, since there is salvation outside the Catholic Church.

The CDF and the Bishop of Manchester, interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and so there are exceptoins to extra ecclesiam nulla salus for them. So they say there is salvation outside the Church. Of course they cannot see non Catholics in Heaven.

For Fr. Georges de Laire,Judicial Vicar of the diocese,   outside the Church there is salvation and there are not only Catholics in Heaven.For Brother Andre Marie MICM,outside the Church there is no salvation and so there are only Catholics in Heaven. He too cannot see people in Heaven but he is following the dogma EENS which is the norm for salvation for us Catholics.For him Ad Gentes 7 is the norm and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 are not exceptions to the norm.-Lionel Andrades

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