Friday, February 26, 2021

If Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano mentions the false premise will they tell him that he is no longer an archbishop and his status has been changed ?


Archbishop Carlo Vigano in his recent comment on Vatican Council II posted by Life Site News, one of many, again has not mentioned the false premise. If he mentioned the false premise he would be telling us  that most of the books and articles of Pope Benedict need to be phased out.Since they are written with a mistake. Also the Congregation for Catholic Education, Vatican, would have to inform the Dean of Theology at the pontifical universities, to not accept any new thesis with Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise. Also the books on Ecclesiology of Cardinal Semeraro and Cardinal Kasper would have to be prohibited, among other things. The official interpretation of the Council by the Italian government and Prof. Alberto Melloni would have to be rejected by Pope Francis.

If the Archbishop mentions the false premise will they tell him that he is no longer an archbishop and his status has been changed ?  Lionel Andrades

 FEBRUARY 23, 2021

The deception was that they used a false premise to interpret the Council during and after 1965 and then got away with it

 And if it is very true and acceptable that the Councils of the Catholic Church are part of the Magisterium, the same cannot be said for the only “council” of the new church, which – as I have stated many times – constitutes the most colossal deception that was ever carried out by the Shepherds of the Lord’s flock; a deception – repetita juvant – which occurred in the moment in which a clique of conspiring experts decided to use the instruments of ecclesiastical governance – authority, magisterial acts, papal discourses, documents of the Congregations, texts of the Liturgy – with a purpose opposed to that which the Divine Founder established when he instituted the Holy Church. In so doing, the subjects were forced to adhere to a new religion, ever more blatantly anti-Catholic and ultimately antichristic, usurping the sacred Authority of the old, despised and deprecated pre-conciliar religion.- Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, Abp Vigano: ‘Fratelli tutti’ means acceptance of everything…except being Catholic

Let's take it again.This is too much.

(Vatican Council II) ...constitutes the most colossal deception that was ever carried out by the Shepherds of the Lord’s flock; a deception – repetita juvant – which occurred in the moment in which a clique of conspiring experts decided to use the instruments of ecclesiastical governance – authority, magisterial acts, papal discourses, documents of the Congregations, texts of the Liturgy – with a purpose opposed to that which the Divine Founder established when he instituted the Holy Church.- Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, Abp Vigano: ‘Fratelli tutti’ means acceptance of everything…except being Catholic

But what was the deception ? 

The deception was that they used a false premise to interpret the Council  during and after 1965 and then got away with it.

But now we know. 

We have discovered precisely how they worked. We have identified the false premise.We have found out what I keep calling the missing link.

So we can undo all their bad work.

In a way this is like truth asserting itself. The doctrines and dogma have made a come back inspite of all their deception and misuse of power.It has made a come back on its own.Truth asserts itself.It cannot be hidden. It can be rejected but not hidden.-Lionel Andrades

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