Monday, February 8, 2021

If some one has had the Gospel preached to him or her and still did not enter the Church and is lost forever it would only be known to God. So it would not be an exception to AG 7

 Ad Gentes 7 refers to those who have had the Gospel preached to them and so who have an obligation to enter the Church to avoid Hell. However we do not know any one  in particular who is saved or not saved in 1965-2021  and who had the Gospel preached or not preached to them. This is something only God can know. For us it is only speculation, things hoped for with good will.

So there are no exceptions mentioned in Ad Gentes when it states in Ad Gentes 7 that all need faith and baptism for salvation. All need faith and baptism and if any one is saved in invincible ignorance through no fault of his own it would only be known to God. It would not be a practical exceptions to AG 7 or EENS.

If some one has had the Gospel preached to him or her and still did not enter the Church and is lost forever it would only be known to God. So it would not be an exception to AG 7.-Lionel Andrades

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