Thursday, February 4, 2021

It is good that there is no Index or Inquisition. Ladaria would be called up.


Cardinal Ladaria: Vatican doctrinal office is 'no longer the Inquisition'


VATICAN CITY — Established almost 500 years ago, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is no longer "the Inquisition" — rather, its main focus is handing down the teachings of the apostles, said the office's prefect.

Lionel - The Apostles like the Church Fathers and the Medieval Fathers taught the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). For Cardinal Ladaria unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance in 2021 are objective exceptions to traditional EENS. This is a new doctrine. It is heretical. It is good that there is no Index or Inquisition. Ladaria would be called up.


"Our mission is to promote and protect the doctrine of the faith. It is a task that will always be necessary for the church, which has the duty to transmit the teaching of the apostles to the next generation," Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer, congregation prefect, told Vatican News Feb. 1.

Lionel - Pope Francis like Pope Benedict, with a schismatic interpretation of Vatican Council II, have created a rupture with the past Magisterium.We need to protect the doctrine of the faith, from them.


Called the Sacred Roman and Universal Inquisition when it was instituted in 1542, the congregation was initially a tribunal exclusively for cases of heresy and schism, but soon its responsibilities were expanded to include "everything relating directly or indirectly to faith and morals," according to the congregation's website.

Lionel - When  Cardinal Ladaria  uses a false premise to interpret Magisterial documents he creates new doctrines and heresy and schism.This is official schism.He represents the political Left.


Of the many people examined in the early days, the one mentioned most often is Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, who was found "vehemently suspect of heresy." St. John Paul II issued a declaration in 1992, recognizing the error of Galileo's trial.

Lionel- Long before Galileo the Church had a heliocentric concept of the universe. It is was there in the writings of Copernicus and other Catholics astronomers, who were priests and bishops and also scientists.


The Index of Forbidden Books was originally entrusted to the Inquisition until it became its own congregation for three centuries until 1917 when its duties were again handed back to the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office — the Inquisition's new name after it was reorganized by Pope Pius X in 1908.

Lionel- The Holy Office 1949 made an objective mistake, when it assumed in the Letter to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney, that unknown cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance were objective and practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This is an official mistake upon which the New Theology is based. It was adopted at Vatican Council II. This is a major mistake in the Council/text and it cannot be Magisterial.It is supported by Cardinal Ladaria for political reasons.


It was again reformed in 1965 by St. Paul VI and renamed the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The Index of Prohibited Books was also abrogated...

Lionel - Most of Pope Benedict-s books would come under the Index since he has used a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and create a false rupture with EENS etc. Also his articles and books on Ecclesiology have the same flaw.This is human error and it is not Magisterial.His books need to be phased out.


"Certainly, the concrete way of carrying out this task has changed over the course of the centuries and we can imagine that it will continue to change," the cardinal said. "But the concern for fidelity to the doctrine of the apostles will always remain."

Lionel- He has to monitor and approveinfedelity to the doctrine of the apostles among the bishops. Fidelity to traditional doctrine will be oppposed by the political Left whom he serves. 


Even with its focus on "doctrine," he said the congregation still seeks to respond to Pope Francis' call to reach out and respond to modern-day "peripheries" and to be close to the poor and marginalized.

Lionel.- A few days back Pope Francis visited the National Cathechetical Office, Italy of the Catholic Bishops Conference and told them not to accept another interpretation of Vatican Council II. So the issue is no more accepting or rejecting Vatican Council II but accepting the approved interpretation of Vatican Council II. This means accepting Vatican Council II interpreted with the common false premise and so there is a change with traditional doctrines and the dogma EENS, in particular.This is official heresy and schism.It is creating division within the Church by deceptively using a false premise and then claiming that there is a development of doctrine.

This has really been the work of Pope Benedict and Cardinal Ladaria all these years. They have had to create or approve new doctrines with a false premise. Then with the New Theology created by the false premise, they claim that doctrines have developed and are no more the same as at the time of the Apostles. Or, that the Apostles had approved these new versions of doctrines which contradict the past popes, for example on exclusive salvation, usury, non separation of Church and State etc.

Pope Benedict in an interview with the daily Avvenire states that EENS is no more today, like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century. There was a development with Vatican Council II. He admitted that there was a hermeneutic of rupture with the past.Also the salvation doctrines being followed by the Jesuits in the 16th century, were apostolic and they were no more Catholic doctrine today.

It has been the responsibility of the office of Cardinal Ladaria, to  preserve the false narrative in the Church on Vatican Council II and approve the Leftist interpretation of the Council.- Lionel Andrades


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