Monday, February 15, 2021

Italian Catholic politicians must note that the Vatican has made an objective mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and this has confused the people for some 55 years

 Italian Catholic politicians must note that the Vatican has made an objective mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and this has confused the people for some 55 years. There has been a rupture with the theology of St. Catherine of Siena, St.Thomas Aquinas and the other Italian saints. The popes and the past Magisterium have been  contradicted. This can be ended by simply avoiding a false premise used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

The Catholic Church needs to re-interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and the whole Church returns to Tradition. There will be no theological basis any more for the present liberalism, which is supported by the Leftist government and the present two popes. - Lionel Andrades

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