Thursday, February 18, 2021

Liberals in public but trads in private


Fr.Rosario Sammarco F.I, Rector of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate seminary, formerly in Boccea and now at Tiburtina, Rome, would agree with me on the Seven Questions but he would not admit it in public. In the same way the Joselito Cristo community now in the same parish at Boccea,  agree with the Seven Questions, they have no objections. But they will not admit it in public.I do not know what would be the reaction of the other community of the Franciscans of the Immaculate of Fr. Stefano Manelli f.i.

They know that when Vatican Council II is interpreted without the false premise, the Church, through the Council is in agreement with the past ecclesiocentrism, the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church, with the the missionary concepts of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis of Assisi.

Like the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the Joselito  Cristo community in Rome today, the religious communities in the Diocese of Manchester, USA would agree with the Seven Questions or Seven Points as I refer to them.I sent it to them and no one has any objections or corrections.

They know that if they interpret Vatican Council II rationally, the Church would be saying today to them, that all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7) and there are no known exceptions and so there is the  necessity for the politically incorrect, traditional mission.

It would mean the Church is saying that all non Catholics in general are oriented to Hell unless they accept Jesus in the Catholic Church and live the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church, even if they are not being followed by the present two popes.

So we find, for example that Fr. Rosario Sammarco f.i, who offers Holy Mass in Italian at the Basilica of St.Mary Majors in Rome would emerge a traditionalist, if he answered those Seven Questions in public or interpreted Vatican Council II without the false premise.He does not do it.

Similarly if the liberal,  Massimo Faggioli interpreted Vatican Council II without the false premise, and admitted it in public, then he too would emerge a traditionalist, the very people Sammarco and he oppose.

Also if Chris Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei interpreted Vatican Council II without the false premise, they become Feeneyites and they are avoiding this.They do not want to be labelled Feeneyites.

So we cannot look at things any more from the familiar traditionalist-liberal division. It has changed. Since if the traditionalists did not use the false premise the Council supports Tradition and if the liberals did not use the false premise, the Council no more supports their liberalism.

So Fr. John Zuhlsdorf and Michael Matt may appear conservative and so also Michael Voris and John Henry Weston, but when they all use the false premise, they interpret Vatican Council II like the liberals. They may reject the conclusion and the liberals will accept it but both groups are using the same false premise to create a New Theology.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 3, 2021

Franciscans of the Immaculate and Joselitos Cristo communities in Rome agree with me : Pope Francis and Bishop Gino Reali however would want them to use the false premise

FEBRUARY 3, 2021

Religious communities would agree with me on seven points

FEBRUARY 9, 2021

Seven questions which Bishop Peter Libasci , Diane Quinlin, the Chancellor and the Rev. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar could answer and affirm. Their interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS would be the same as that of the St. Benedict Center, NH.So they can end the prohibitions placed upon the religious community

 FEBRUARY 3, 2021

In the diocese in which I live in Rome they all interpret Vatican Council II schismatically by using a false premise. It's the norm. Now Bishop Gino Reali the bishop of diocese of Porta Santa Rufina is hosting an international conference for Catholic religious and consecrated men and women.All of them will interpret the Council as a break with Tradition when the Council is really not a break with Tradition.It has a hemeneutic of continuity for me but not for them

JANUARY 16, 2021

This New Information on the false premise, the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II without the false premise and the Council being in harmony with the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus is being brought out by a layman

JANUARY 7, 2021

Religious community agrees with me

DECEMBER 22, 2020

Nearly every Sunday at Holy Mass in Italian the priest asks us to affirm the Profession of Faith in a question and answer form.Since his understanding of the Faith as a liberal who uses the false premise, is different from mine,the affirmation of the Profession of Faith so regularly makes no difference.

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