Saturday, February 20, 2021

Lumen Gentium 16 contradicts EENS for Bishop Athanasius Schneider but not for me

 The days of quoting Rahner, Ratzinger, Congar, Maritain and Murray are over. We know Lumen Gentium 16 does not contradict Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). The Council Fathers made a mistake when they referenced the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO).

LOHO wrongly  assumed that being saved in invincible ignorance  was a practical exception to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So EENS was made obsolete.

Lumen Gentium 16 contradicts EENS for Bishop Athanasius Schneider but not for me. -Lionel Andrades

 JUNE 5, 2016

There is no much doctrinal confusion on salvation theology and Bishop Schneider affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II and the Nicene Creed with this doctrinal confusion

Bishop Athanasius Schneider 3

From the Remant Newspaper : Bishop Athanasius Schneider Replies to The Remnant’s Open Letter on Amoris Laetitia

Indeed, they contain a real spiritual danger, which will cause doctrinal confusion, a fast and easy spreading of heterodox doctrines concerning marriage and moral law, and also the adoption and consolidation of the praxis of admitting divorced and remarried to Holy Communion, a praxis which will trivialize and profane, as to say, at one blow three sacraments: the sacrament of Marriage, of Penance, and of the Most Holy Eucharist. -Bishop Athansius Schneider
From the Remant Newspaper : Bishop Athanasius Schneider Replies to The Remnant’s Open Letter on Amoris Laetitia
There is no much doctrinal confusion on salvation theology and Bishop Schneider is affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II and the Nicene Creed with this doctrinal confusion. He will not comment on this issue.
-Lionel Andrades

Bishop Schneider like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and SSPX bishops and priests confuses what is invisible as being visible.Card. Gerhard Muller and Pope Francis do the same.So Vatican Council II becomes a break with the past


Bishop Athanasius Schneider contradicted by Catholic religious

Bishop Athanasius Schneider and priests who offer the Traditional Latin Mass in England: two question 

Expedient popes could disown Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Michael Voris unless they rubber stamped Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing nonsense


May be someone who is in contact with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider could ask them these two questions and send me their response

Bishop Athanasius Schneider misses the bus again


Immagine Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider announcing in public that all non Catholics need to formally enter the Catholic Church for salvation and there are no exceptions and that this is the teaching of Vatican Council II


Bishop Schneider is not aware of the exact cause of the hermeneutic of continuity and rupture. He is not familiar with that one precise factor which is the cause of the rupture


Bishop Schneider let us know what you believe on exclusive salvation. You are a shepherd.

 Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider could be asked," Can the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate offer the Traditional Latin Mass and affirm that LG 16 refers to invisible and not visible cases.Can the FSSP also avoid the premise?

Bishop  Schneider expediently does not comment on the error in the Baltimore Catechism and its link to Vatican Council II

Winter for the Catholic Faith in England

Traditionalists do not want to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Another wasted conference in England today

Elementary My Dear Watson!

Expedient popes could disown Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Michael Voris unless they rubber stamped Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing nonsense
Cardinal Sarah and Bishop Schneider do not confess the Catholic Faith when they deny the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Joseph Shaw could discuss the theological difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism and its effect on the liturgy

The issue of Cushingism as a theology, which is irrational, popular, heretical, based on a fantasy-but magisterial needs to be discussed by the Latin Mass Society

SSPX has only to interpret Vatican Council II with the left hand side column and there is no break with their traditional beliefs on other religions, ecumenism and religious liberty

April 23-Sept.11,2014 - still no clarification from the SSPX

April 13-August 24,2014 and still no correction or clarification from Bishop Bernard Fellay


Cushingism is today's Arian-like heresy which has spread throughout the Church : Schneider, Fellay support it.No denial from them

Image result for Photos of Bishop Schneider and Bishop FellayImage result for Photos of Bishop Fellay talks interview
Bishop Athansius Schneider does not respond to e-mails nor does he agree to a meeting and he keeps repeating the same irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II with which he is comfortable with. He mentions the Social Reign of Christ the King but will not affirm it with Vatican Council II( Feeneyite).He says that a Syllabus of Errors is needed on Vatican Council II but he himself will not affirm in public the values of the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.He will not say that all Muslims in Kazakhstan need to formally enter the Church for salvation and all Christians outside the Catholic Church are on the way to Hell.He wants lay people to affirm the Faith and be put into prison or be persecuted  but he will not do the same.
The statements he issues are flawed theologically and doctrinally and he is unable to defend his Cushingite modernism.He feels the need to be politically correct with the Left and the Vatican so he does not talk about the difference between Vatican Council II Cushingism and Feeneyism. Perhaps it will make things difficult for him.
Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) is in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX and it is he who is in the Cushingite, irrational circle, the circle of error and modernism.
The Church made a mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case but he will not say it in public. He is unable to announce that he is a Feeneyite on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and Vatican Council II(EENS).Instead as a modernist in theology and doctrine he is supported by modernist Rome.
The Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) are in  a position to claim canonical status based on Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) when bishops Schneider and Fellay proclaim the Catholic Faith.Dump the irrational version of the Council and EENS.
Doctrine is no more an impediment for the SSPX entering the Church. Doctrine was never an issue,since Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) is in harmony  with the Syllabus of Erros of Pius IX, the dogma EENS( Feeneyite), Vatican Council II interpreted without the irrational premise and the Catechism of the Catholic Church interpreted without hypothetical cases being considered non hypothetical.Fellay and the SSPX bishops simply have to affirm the  Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II,Catechism of the Catholic Church and other magisterial documents with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism.
They meet Pope Francis' condition to accept Vatican Council II.
I repeat that they meet Pope Francis' condition to accept Vatican Council II.
Bishops Schneider and Fellay must have the courage and integrity to affirm Vatican Council II (F) and reject Vatican Council II (C).Schneider must discuss this issue, come out of his safe theological and doctrinal shell, which is protected by a magisterium  in heresy and rebellion against Tradition.
Schneider supports an Arian-like heresy through out the Church and he does not seem to know it.Cushingism is today's error like the one at the time of Arius which spread throughout the Catholic Church.
1) Since the Social Reign of Christ the King is important for him he could support political parties in Italy which affirm this teaching.They are not backed by the pro-Left popes.

Image result for Photos of Militian Christi ItalyImage result for Photos of Forza Nuova

Image result for Photos of Forza NuovaImage result for Photos of Militian Christi Italy
Bishop Schneider could also appeal to the Polish President and Prime Minister to affirm the 'rigorist interpretation' of EENS and Vatican Council II which make it easy to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King.
Image result for Photos of Polish Prime Minister and President praying and kneelingImage result for Photos of Polish Prime Minister and President praying and kneeling
2) Since Vatican Council II is a legitimate Council for Schneider he could specify if the Cushingite or Feeneyite interpretation is legitimate for him.
3) He could clarify that LG 16, LG 8, LG 14, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22, AG 11, AG 7 etc refer to hypothetical cases, invisible people and not known people saved outside the Church.So theologically there cannot be a new ecumenism. These references to theoretical cases are not exceptions to the dogma EENS or Vatican Council ( Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation).
4.He could also clarify that since Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7) Vatican Council II is exclusivist in its theology.
5.He could also in public correct the mistake on Wikipedia, the English Catholic Bishops Conference website, the website of the Vatican's Council for Christian Unity etc, when they suggest, imply and infer that Ad Gentes 11( seeds of the Word),Lumen Gentium 16( being saved in invincible ignorance) and Unitatis Redintigratio 3( imperfect communion with the Church) and others when they  refer to specifically known people in the present times or the past, who are examples of salvation outside the Church.So for them Vatican Council II is not exclusivist but inclusivist on salvation and they want the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate to repeat this irrationality and heresy.
He could respond to these points in his next interview.
-Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 22, 2017

Bishop Athanasius Schneider is part of the Arian heresy and he does not know it

AUGUST 17, 2017

Bishops Fellay, Schneider are not proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King supported by Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite)

JULY 22, 2017

When will Bishop Athanasius Schneider say all non Catholics in his diocese are on the way to Hell according to Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nullas salus(Feeneyite)?

AUGUST 16, 2017

Bishop Athanasius Schneider does not proclaim the Catholic Faith honestly in Kazhkistan

JULY 25, 2017

Bishop Athanasius Schneider does not respond to e-mails or reports on the Internet : Pope Francis has made an objective mistake and violates the Principle of No Contradiction in the interpretation of Vatican Council II

Image result for Photo of Bishop Schneider at March for Life Rome

JULY 22, 2017

Bishop Schneider will not say that Pope Francis has made an objective mistake and violates the Principle of Non Contradiction

NOVEMBER 24, 2016

There are reports which say that with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II.On this issue the four cardinals and bishop Athanasius Schneider have not responded

OCTOBER 28, 2016

If they would believe Cardinal Cushing and not Fr.Leonard Feeney was in heresy then the interpretation of Vatican Council II changes : Cardinal Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider

OCTOBER 27, 2016
Until Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider affirm Feeneyism as a salvation theology they will not be able to interpret Vatican Council II with the hermeneutic of continuity.Vatican Council II will continue to be a rupture with Tradition


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