Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Michael Sean Winters is unethical.He interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise even after knowing there is a rational alternative.It would make him a Feeneyite

 Michael Sean Winters in his report on Vatican Council II  decided to interpret the Council with the false premise and follow Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.

He knows that that the Council can be interpreted without the irrationality and the conclusion will be traditional. But he is not going to do it. He is going to go along with the deception.

This is unethical.Without the false premise he knows he will come across as a Feeneyite. In the past he would critize Fr. John Zuhlsdorf and accuse him of following Fr. Leonard Feeney.Fr. Z would deny it. Now without the false premise Winters emerges as a Feeneyite.He cannot accept it.-Lionel  Andrades

Opposition to Francis rooted in opposition to Vatican II


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