Saturday, February 27, 2021

So what if Rahner, Ratzinger and Congar were there? So what if Archbishop Lefebvre, Cardinal Cushing and John Courtney Murray were present at Vatican Council II. What has J. Maritain to do with Vatican Council II today ?Nothing. So why mention them?

 So what if Archbishop Lefebvre, Cardinal Cushing and John Courtney Murray were present at Vatican Council II. The Council interpreted with LG 8, LG 16 etc refers to only  hypothetical and theoretical cases. So they are not exceptions to Tradition.

In reality there are no practical exceptions to EENS. There are none mentioned in the Council-text.

So what if Rahner, Ratzinger and Congar were there?

What has J. Maritain to do with Vatican Council II today ?Nothing. So why mention them?- Lionel Andrades

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