Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Daughters of St. Paul book shop in Rome near the Vatican, is selling books on Vatican Council II interpreted by authors who have promoted a new liberalism in the Church by interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise

The Daughters of St. Paul book shop in Rome near the Vatican, is selling books on Vatican Council II interpreted by authors who have promoted a new liberalism in the Church by interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise.These books and authors are no more authentic.We know that the Council can be traditional when the false premise is avoided.-Lionel Andrades

 OCTOBER 25, 2020

Fr.Charles Curran's books are being promoted at the front display window of the Daughters of St. Paul book shop, near the Vatican. Curran considers hypothetical cases, which exist only in his mind, as being objective exceptions to the old moral law. He promotes imaginary scenarios and then makes believe that they are real. Catholics living in sin find it useful. They need to believe that Curran is correct and that the unknown exception contradicts the Biblical rule which indicates they are on the way to Hell

 Fr.Charles Curran's books are being promoted at the front display window of the Daughters of St. Paul book shop, near the Vatican.

Curran considers hypothetical cases, which exist only in his mind,as objective exceptions to the old moral law.

He promotes imaginary scenarios and then makes believe that they are real.

Catholics living in sin find it useful. They need to believe that Curran is correct and that the unknown exception contradicts the Biblical rule which indicates they are on the way to Hell. -Lionel Andrades

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