Saturday, February 27, 2021

The liberal media can accuse conservative Catholics as being in schism only if the conservatives also interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise

 The liberal media can accuse conservative Catholics as being in schism only if the conservatives also interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise. If the conservative Catholics interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, then they do not contradict Tradition while the liberals cannot cite the Council-text to justify their liberalism. Without the false premise there is no theological support for their liberalism. If Unitatis Redintigratio 3 does not contradict EENS ( with no exceptions) there are no practical examples of Christians being saved outside the Church. There is no theological basis for a New Ecumenism.

So when the present liberals are no more liberal without the present support of Vatican Council II, how can they accuse the conservatives of causing division and being in schism with them ? It is only now when the liberals  interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise to create new doctrines which are a rupture with Tradition, can they accuse the conservative Catholics, of being in schism.The conservatives  cannot object, since they really interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise.So there really is a schism with the past Magisterium over the centuries.  -Lionel Andrades

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