Friday, February 5, 2021

The seminary building and an annex church of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate under Fr. Stefano Manelli f.i, in Boccea, Rome is vacant. It is unused for over six months.


The seminary building and an annex church of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate under Fr. Stefano Manelli f.i, in Boccea, Rome is vacant. It is unused for over six months. The lay Comitato dell Immacolata, comprising lay members of the Manelli family, could allow its use for Catholic religious communities, who have a lay status and are not recognised by the Vatican.They may want to live as a religuous community but have no place to stay.

 Also lay Catholics and religious persecuted for their Catholic Faith could be allowed, at least temporarily, to use some of the rooms and the old church. With the permission of the bishop and the parish priest the Latin Mass could be offered there if permission is given.-Lionel Andrades

 MAY 25, 2017

Fr.Stefano Manelli and the Franciscans of the Immaculate have to correct their Vatican Council II theology

Image result for Photos of Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I
Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I like Cardinal Braz de Avez interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism and so the Council is a rupture with the past ecclesiology, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the Syllabus of Errors.It's a rupture with St.Robert Bellarmine, St. Francis Xavier and St. Ignatius of Loyola on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
This is the Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II which the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate have to affirm, teach and live to be recognised by the Vatican.
 Franciscans of the Immaculate offer/attend Holy Mass with a new ecclesiology.Theologically they reject the Tradition.They reject the past ecclesiology which was ecclesiocentric, and was associated with the Mass of the past, in Latin or Greek.
If Fr.Manelli and his religious community would interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism, there would not be a rupture with EENS or the Syllabus of Errors, but there would be tension with the two popes, the Vatican Curia and the secular,political Left forces.They would oppose it. They would oppose Vatican Council II interpreted with Feeneyism.
So the real issue is not Vatican Council II .The real issue for the present magisterium of the two popes, is to reject the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.This would be going back to the past ecclesiology and the Masons do not want this.This is not acceptable to the Jewish Left and the liberal rabbbis who represent Israel.Even liberals in other religions would oppose it.So presently Fr.Stefano Manelli and the Franciscans of the Immaculate please the Left and ecclesiastical Masonry, when they interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism and as a rupture with Tradition. 
They interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise to create a non traditional and heretical conclusion and this pleases the two liberal and Left-accomodating popes.If they had interpreted the Council without the irrational premise then the Council would not be a rupture with the past ecclesiology of St.Francis Xavier, St.Anthony Marie Claret,St.Teresa of Avila.Then Vatican Council II would encourage Mission knowing that the majority of people one earth are on the way to hell, since they die without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14).This would encourage Catholics to go out into the whole world and preach the Gospel like St. Francis Xavier and the missionaries of the past ecclesiology. This interpretation of Vatican Council II may not result in a canonical status or a personal prelature and instead there could be demands for suspension and exclusion from the Church.

The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate are being allowed to come into the Church but they would have to give up traditional mission and the exclusivist ecclesiology by assuming invisible and hypothetical cases, mentioned in Vatican Council II (LG 16, LG 8,UR 3 etc) are visible and personally known people in 2017, who have been saved outside the Church.So since these invisible exceptions exist in the reality of the popes, the dogma EENS has been made superflous.This is the Vatican Council II which Fr.Manelli and the Franciscan Friars of the Immmaculate, already know and profess, when they offer the Traditional Latin Mass.This Vatican Council II is not a problem when it is the new theology with the old Mass for Pope Francis.It is a rupture with EENS and so is not triumphalistic.
Now to be coherent, traditional and non heretical, Fr.Manelli and the many Franciscans of the Immaculate priests , who offer only the Tridentine Rite Mass,have simply to announce that Vatican Council II is no more an issue for them.They affirm the Council without the irrationality in philosophy and theology supported by Rahner and Ratzinger.
They will not interpret Vatican Council II, they could announce, in line with the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.They will affirm Vatican Council II as did the magisterium and missionaries in the 16th century- without the irrational premise.

So they do not reject Vatican Council II but reject the irrational premise used in the interpretation.
They could then call upon Cardinl Braz de Avez, the Synod of cardinals and the two popes to also accept a Vatican Council II which has a continuity with the told de fide teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.The Church is the new people of God (Nostra Aetate 4) and outside of which no one is saved (AG 7, LG 14), no one is saved without faith and baptism.
The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate priests,need to clarify that in March 2016 Pope Benedict XVI made a mistake when he interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism, which was a rupture with the dogma EENS, as it was interpreted by the missionaries in the 16th century.In 2016 the pope could have interpreted Vatican Council II without the politically correct false premise, and then there would have been 'no development of the dogma' with Vatican Council II(Feeneyite). It is time now for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the SSPX to put Vatican Council II aside, as an issue.Get your theology and philosophy in order. -Lionel Andrades


 MAY 24, 2017

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Fr.Stefano Manelli's interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS was Cushingite : Lanzetta and Mattei also were irrational

Image result for Photos of Prof Roberto de MatteiImage result for Photos of Fr.Serafino LanzettaImage result for Photos of Fr.Bruno Gherardini
The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate must realize that Fr.Serafino Lanzetta and Prof. Roberto dei Mattei a few years  back at conferences which they addressed   interpreted Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism.They did not know of a choice.Mattei wrote books on Vatican Council II not knowing about Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).
Neither did Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, tell them about Vatican Council II, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.Even today Cardinal Muller and Cardinal Braz de Avez is hiding this truth from the Sisters.
So the Sisters must  affirm Vatican Council II (F) and reject Vatican Council II ( C)  and then ask he cardinals to do the same.
Please note that the two founders of the Franciscans of the Immaculate were also interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism. This was a break with Tradition.They did not know that they had a choice.
So they rejected Vatican Council II and believed that the only way to hold on to Tradition was the Tridentine Rite Mass.
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Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I the founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate had approved a book in English written by the late Fr. William Most. It was translated into Italian and distributed at Franciscan chapels.Fr.William Most, a good apologist, however like Fr. Manelli, had accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.It assumes invisible cases of the baptism of desire and blood, without the baptism of water, were exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So for them there were exceptions to the old ecclesiology of the Church,since they were all using Cushingism as a theology and were not aware of it.
Now there is an option for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and they do not have to follow the understanding of this issue as was known to Mattei, Lanzetta and the two founders of the community.
At the same time they must not accept Vatican Council II according to Cardinal Muller and the two popes.If they do so, it would mean they do not know what exactly causes the rupture with the past ecclesiology.
We now have found the missing link.
Sisters explain this to Fr. Stefano Manelli. Ask him to affirm Vatican Council II , Feeneyite and EENS ( Feeneyite).In this way there can only be an ecumenism of return , non Catholics would be outside the Church, all liturgical rites  would have a common ecclesiology which would be the past ecclesiology and there would be unity in doctrine once again , with the Church Fathers, the saints and founders of the religious communities  who lived before 1930. There would be unity with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. Now with Cushingism there is a rupture with the Syllabus on ecumenism etc.
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So ask Fr. Manelli to affirm Vatican Council II and be specific as to which one he chooses.Since now we know what exactly causes the hermeneutic of rupture or continuity with the past.It is the use or avoiding of the invisible premise ( invisible people are visible) and the resulting conclusion ( visible invisible cases of being saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16), seeds of the Word (AG 11),imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3), elements of sanctification and truth in other religions (LG 8) etc, are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS).
Please tell Fr.Manelli that even Ludwig Ott, in  Fundamentals of Catholic  Dogma has made this mistake.He was not aware  of the Cushingite error.-Lionel Andrades

Fr.William Most and Mons. Joseph Clifford Fenton assumed that there were exceptions to the dogma. So they were wrong at the onset.


AUGUST 23, 2016

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are being forced to lie

DECEMBER 27, 2016

Vatican Council II is based on a lie, it is a kind of a theme.

DECEMBER 14, 2016

Catholic professors in Rome now tell lies : pontifical universities don't want to be quoted on a philosophical subject

DECEMBER 13, 2016


 Vatican to house two Popes for first time as Benedict returnsDECEMBER 13, 2016

Troppi errori nel Concilio Vaticano II


Cardinals and bishops  do not know the name of anyone saved outside the Catholic Church in 2016. Yet the FMC and FFI had to assume that there are such persons. This is another LIE.
The FSSP and the Institute of Christ the King are allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass since they have chosen to compromise.They have chosen to lie.
I interpret the following terms with Feeneyism and Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz and Fr.Sabino Ardito do so  with Cushingism(so does the SSPX)
I use Feeneyism and Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz and Fr.Sabino Ardito use Cushingism.
For me the Baptism of Desire is Feeneyite and for them it is Cushingite.For me Invincible Ignorance is Feeneyite and for them it isCushingite.For meVatican Council II is Feeneyite and for them it is Cushingite.
For me Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus is Feeneyite and for them it is Cushingite.
For me the Nicene Creed is Feeneyite and for them it is Cushingite.
For me the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston is Feeneyite and for them it is Cushingite.
I avoid the  New Theology, while they uses it. 
For me the Catechism of the Catholic Church is Feeneyite and for them it is Cushingite.-Lionel Andrades

SEPTEMBER 18, 2015

Franciscans of the Immaculate Commissioner and Superiors Meeting : doctrine is not on the agenda

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The Franciscans of the Immaculate Commissioner Fr. Sabino Ardito SDB is in contact with some of the Superiors of the religious community and it seems the issue of  doctrine is not on the agenda. The Commissioner was to meet the Superiors this month and the meeting is considered private.
The Franciscans of the Immaculate priests who offer only the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) are being forced to accept the new ecclesiology with Lumen Gentium 16 in Vatican Council II being explicit and an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).
 The Commissioner nor the Secretary General will clarify if LG 16 can be considered implicit, invisible for them and known only to God.Is this an option open for the Franciscans  of the Immaculate community  in the interpretation of the Vatican Council II ? There is no comment from any one.
This is a doctrinal issue which divides the community and the Commissoner needs to be specific and clear.
The Secretary General of thte F.I and the former Commissioner over some three years would not comment on this doctrinal difference related to accepting Vatican Council II.
The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate clarified a few months back that they accept Vatican Council II but not as it was interpreted by the leftist newspapers in Italy. Pope Francis is  their pope they mentioned and they pray for him.
The Sisters did not clarify if LG 16 :-
1. Refers to explicit cases  in 2015 saved in invincible ignorance of the Gospel through no fault of their own.
2. Refers to known cases of non Catholics saved without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).
There are no known and visible cases this year of non Catholics saved without 'faith and baptism. Nor were there are known cases last year or the years before.This would be confirmed in agreement by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.
May be they could ask the Commissioner if he knows of any exceptions to the old ecclesiology.
 If the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate priests are allowed to accept Vatican Council II with LG 16 being invisible and hypothetical  for them  then they would be accepting the old ecclesiology and rejecting the new ecclesiology ( based on an irrationality) supported by Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.
This will not be politically acceptable to the Left  nor would this be acceptable to many Friars who offer Mass in Italian.
Since rationality and faith are on the side of priests who offer the TLM with the old ecclesiology, the Commissioner will not want to discuss doctrine.It would not be approved by Cardinal Braz de Avez his superior.
The Friars who offer only the TLM must note that the issue is not Vatican Council II in general but specifically if LG 16, LG 8 ,NA 2, UR 3 etc refer to visible or invisible, explicit or implicit cases in 2015.
Since the real issue in this doctrinal disunity is ecclesiology, it is the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So an explicit for us LG 16 means there is a break with EENS.If LG 16 is implicit then Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS.Reason tells us that LG 16  can only be implicit.There is no other choice.
Once the Friars who offer only the TLM are clear on this point they can come out in the open and say that they accept Vatican Council II in which LG 16 is invisible and not visible, and so does not conttadict  the pre- Vatican Council II ecclesiololgy, that of the popes and saints, the Church Councils and the Church Fathers.
Then wait for the Commissioner to respond.He can no more say like Fr. Volpi that the Friars do not accept Vatican Council II .Since they would be accepting Vatican Council II without the the irrationao inference and they would be expecting him to do the same.
-Lionel Andrades



An injustice was done to Fr.Settimo Mannelli F.I

Today morning it has been raining here and the weather and view was beautiful in front of the church Santa Maria di Nazareth , Boccea, Rome.Too bad the land developers are building apartments and by  next year the peaceful and solitary view  will not be there.

An injustice was done to Fr.Settimo Manelli F.I, the young Rector at the Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary, who was not teaching heresy, yet Pope Francis closed down the seminary."There was no heresy being taught at the seminary ",says Corrado Gnerre, noted apologist and a professor at a pontifical seminary in Rome.
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 There was no heresy being taught by Fr.Settimo but Pope Francis wanted the seminarians to go to the other seminaries in Rome.
Fr.Settimo Manelli and his brother Fr.Giovani Manelli F.I would offer the Traditional Latin Mass and Novus Ordo Mass.They are good priests.
Canonically there was no reason to remove the Rector and close down the seminary.
Fr.Settimo was also the Parish Priest of the church Santa Maria di Nazareth, Boccea, which has become polarised with 'two groups' of Friars.
A few months back a visiting F.I priest ended his homily saying the real enemies of the Church are those who want to go back to the past.( Goodbye St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine!).
The seminary building lies mostly vacant.There are a few lay men staying there.One of whom is allegedly a Mason according the blog The Eponymous Flower. He's still there.
The lay men and few seminarians at Boccea will have to vacate soon it is learnt, as the Lay Association, faithful to Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I, the founder of the community, take over the building.
A new church had to be built by the diocese at Santa Maria di Nazareth as the old church building is owned by the Association coordinated by the Manelli family.
The seminarians under the Commissar Fr.Sabino Ardito SDB do not have a seminary building to house them all and their new formaters.Meanwhile the old seminary building in the parish will be vacant soon and they cannot use it.
The Commissar I am told is wanting to reconcile the community. Hopefully he will succeed where Fr.Volpi failed.
Fr.Settimo Manelli and the Franciscan of the Immaculate priests who want to offer only the Traditional Latin Mass are not disobedient and rebelling against the pope as it is made out to seem by some.They are really opposed to interpreting Vatican Council II with a nonsense premise. The nonsense premise is : there are persons in Heaven visible and known on earth saved allegedly without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church,and these persons are exceptions to all needing to enter the Catholic Church for salvation in 2015, on earth.So Vatican Council II, because of these visible-dead cases it is inferred, is a break with the past.
This is contrary to common sense and common knowledge.Yet this reasoning has to be used by the Franciscans of the Immaculate ( and the SSPX) to be accepted by the magisterium, which is politically Left.
The priests who want to offer the old Mass with the old ecclesiology and without this irrational new ecclesiology of course are correct.They should continue to reject this dead man walking and visible theory in the interpretation of Vatican Council II which is being supported by popes Benedict and Francis.Instead they should offer to accept Vatican Council II in agreement with the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It would mean LG 16, LG 8 etc refer to invisible cases on earth and not visible in the flesh people.So they are not exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
The Commissar could make the first doctrinal move and announce that Vatican Council II can be accepted in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441) and the Syllabus of Errors.
Otherwise it would be expecting Fr.Settimo Manelli to accept heresy.
Fr.Settimo could ask the Commissar to affirm Vatican Council II with LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc as being implicit and not explicit, invisible and not visible.Let the Commissar confirm that Vatican Council II has not changed the old ecclesiology of extra ecclesiam nulla salus ;the ecclesiology of the Church is still exclusivist and the contemporary magisterium has made a mistake, when it breaks with the magisterium of the past.
-Lionel Andrades 

 SEPTEMBER 4, 2015

Why does the Commissar want Fr.Settimo Manelli F.I and Franciscans of the Immaculate to violate common sense and fundamental premises held by man ?

In conscience the Commissar of the Franciscans of the Immaculate cannot ask priests who offer only the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM) , to also offer the Novus Ordo Mass, with an irrational  and heretical new ecclesiology. They will object.They are not obliged to follow new theories and fantasy theology which could be the personal opinion of other religious , including the Commissar and Vatican cardinals.
 For example, they are not obliged to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), when there are no known exceptions to EENS in 2015 and neither can there ever be exceptions for us human beings.
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So they are not obliged to say Vatican Council II mentions exceptions to EENS , when LG 16 etc cannot be explicit in our reality.
They must not be forced to create a new theology based on an irrational inference i.e LG 16, UR 3, NA 2 etc refer to objectively known cases in our time (2015).
Even Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate(F.I) priests who offer only the Novus  Ordo Mass should not be expected to promote all this nonsense in the name of allegiance to the pope or something else.
 Similarly the F.I priests who offer only the TLM should not be asked to accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston which suggested that there was salvation outside the Church.Humanly speaking no one at that time could know of any one saved outside the Church.Neither were there any such cases known in pre-1949 times.
With this irrationality a new ecclesiology is created and the F.I priests are not obliged to follow it.
How can people in Heaven known only to God and saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance be exceptions on earth to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS. The Holy Office 1949 and the Archbishop of Boston clearly made a factual error.It is a fact of life that we cannot see or know people in Heaven.
This error was a break with the understanding of Church associated with the TLM before the Baltimore Catechism (1808)  was issued.
How could the Baltimore Catechism suggest 1) implicit desire for the baptism of water by a catechumenen who dies before receiving it and 2) martyrdom, were  baptisms, like the baptism of water? The baptism of water is seen and repeatable while the baptism of desire and blood cannot be given. They are unknown to us and known only to God.How can they be considered baptisms when they don't exist in our reality and we do not know of a single case.
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So why must the Franciscans of the Immaculate who offer only the TLM  have to accept three known baptisms instead of one? The Nicene Creed says there is only one baptism.
 With all this irrationality making up the new ecclesiology the Franciscan priests along with Fr.Stefano Mannelli F.I, the founder of the community, will have to proclaim Jesus without the necessity of the Church for salvation( similar to the Protestants).They will have to proclaim the Kingdom of God without the necessity of Catholic Faith and the baptism of water(AG 7,LG 14). This is contrary to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14 ) and the dogma  extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
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Why must Fr.Settimo Mannelli F.I, the former Rector of the seminary at Santa Maria di Nazareth, Boccea, which Pope Francis closed down,have to accept all this irrational reasoning and theology.All this is a new ecclesiology  and a break with the traditional ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.The traditional ecclesiology did not violate common sense and fundamental premises held by man, like, us not being able to see people in Heaven while we are on earth.-Lionel Andrades


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