Sunday, February 14, 2021

The USCCB and the Leftist state are not separated

 Fr.Georges de Laire is allowed to sue Michael Voris and the bishops  permit it.Since the Left approves of it.

Fr.Georges de Laire imposes the Decree of Prohibitions against the St.Benedict Center since they do not affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Vatican Council II with a false premise. The USCCB, the Vatican and the Left approve of it.

Meanwhile Fr. John Zuhlsdorf is told that he is no more incardinated in the diocese of Madison. Of course this is approved by the USCCB, the Vatican and the Left.It is a non separatioin of the secular-Left and the Leftist Catholic Church.Politics and Church are not separated.

Similarly there should be a non separation of the Church(conservatives) and the State ( conservatives).Politics and Church are not separated.

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf should have the legal right to ask the Bishop of Madison, USA to not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and so create a rupture with Tradition. This is official deception. It's an institutional  lie.

Also a priest in the diocese of Manchester, USA should have the legal right to ask the Catholic Bishop of Manchester to not impose a Decree of Prohibitions on Catholic communities , who do no interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with a fake premise.

An institutional change is needed with the popes, cardinals and bishops not interpreting Magisterial documents with a fake premise.-Lionel Andrades

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